I thought I would try something new with this class - and that is to write about it before I went. I am having dinner with Cyrstal after so I won't have time to write it right after - then I will forget stuff. I have been forgetting a lot of stuff that I want to write when I get home anywyas - again - I will be first in line for sport brain downloaders and it will be how I write my first novel.
I also found a really cheesey picture!! HAHHAHAA! Check those teachers out!! HAHAHA!! Awesome!! It is like a bboy pose with yoga!!
Anywho - I hope we get to do tripod handstands tonight. I am not looking forward to ohming or chanting. I just am going to do my best... and I am going to put my mat on the opposite side that I usually stand on. Hmm.. what else... I am going to try not to think about being fat.. and I will say hi to someone new tonight! THERE!! SET IN STONE!
OK - really later - it is now Thursday at school in my spare. I am going to go and do some handstands to crow on the mat. But let me tell ya - my plan did not work yesterday and there are some things I want to say about what happened in class.
I walked in and my side was empty of mats and the other side was full - so I went to my normal spot. I thought about being fat the whole time which did help me to suck my stomach in but it sucks - why am I so fat? I didn't say hi to anyone new tonight - just the usual suspects.
At the begining of class we had a circle and shared things. Well, really only one girl and the teacher shared things. The one girl had just become a yoga a teacher - cool.. and Katherine invited us all to a lulu lemon party - cool. We did go around and say our names which woulda been a good time to have good hearing cause I would like to know some people's names - but still don't know names..
It was a great class. I can feel my hip flexors and core today. we did tripod handstands and crow and tried to do them to crow. We also did side crow.. which I can do a little better on the side I couldn't do at all last time. Sometimes I am just too sweaty and slippery!! I wear pants purposefully to this class to give me some grip!
Fun class.. It is my favourite minus the ohming.