Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday 1:36-2:30 Pregnancy Bikram

I had a ton of work to do but did my yoges. I skipped the spine twist at the end so I could get up and put the attendance in the computer. I'm glad I did. There was an onslaught of kids after school to order sweats. That's good. I just wish they didn't leave things to the last minute. It is so annoying!

Anywho- yoges was good. My back bending is is the worst but it will all come back. Christian was moving during the breathing at the start. I was staring hard at my belly in the mirror trying to see if it would visibley move.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday 1:40-2:40 Pregrenancy Bikram

I haven't done this in a while. I haven't done in my studio since last June. It is nice to be back in the studes. T'ea and Andrea were choreographing by the white board and the stereo and towards the end Latisha and Calvin came in and started getting ready for Juniors. I am really stoked on how seriously they are taking this and how prepared they are for their X Block.

As for yoges - It went well. It felt good to stretch and work those muscles that I don't get to everyday in class. I am looking forward to using most of my spares from now till I leave to do the yoges.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday 5:30-6:30 Street Jazz - Jo

Well, I think that was officially my last dance class at Harbour until the after the baby. I am too big. I couldn't do the dance full out. I was basically just marking it. I guess that is still good for my brain but it is hard on my dance ego. It isn't fun dancing half assed. It is like trying to dance with an injury - no fun. You might as well just wait until you are better and then giver 110% again. Before I left I was thinking that I might as well go and dance when I still can cause I am just going to get bigger - but it really isn't worth it for me. I am still going to try and go for a run - because I haven't done that since I was sick... but I am pretty sure I will learn that I am now a walker. I think I just have to focus on getting through teaching at school and call it a day. I need to enjoy chilling - I never chill - and there will be no chill time after!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday 10-11 Yoges - Derrek

Wow! I haven't been to Harbour in two weeks. Jonny and I have been so sick. I did get exercise at school teaching dance... so much I could hardly walk the first weekend back. This week I have guest teachers coming in to teach some of the classes so I am hoping I can get back to Harbour a few times during the week.

Yoges was good. I am pretty big now and I have to stay at level one of some postures. I was still able to work up a sweat and get some good stretching and strengthening in.

This was my first class with my hearing aids. Sure is nice to hear Derrek and not have to look up and see what he is doing.

When I got home Jonny had flowers for me and a Subway sandwich. I have the best husband ever!!