Thursday, July 31, 2014
Thursday 10 - 10:45ish Surf Zuma (12 waves)
I had a better surf day today - yay! I didn't see my sea lion. I forgot to mention I saw him yesterday too - two days in a row. Jonny kept telling me to go back in the water but I was pooped and hungry - so 12 waves - that was pretty good. I hope I have as much fun tomorrow.
Thursday 7:07 - 7:38 Skate Natas Lot (31 mins) & July Totals
It is a good thing we like the California mornings the best because Christian woke us up at 5:45 this morning.
I did my usual ollies and then worked on my ollie, 180, and fakie ollie line. Same as yesterday, I took the last five minutes to work on kick flips.
Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a rut. Maybe I am improving but improving so slowly that I don't notice. Maybe I need to push myself harder. But, it is difficult when you are working in such sort increments of time. If I was a kid again, I would do stuff all day - not just for a half hour. I guess I am lucky to get that much time in with a toddler.
Jonny did awesome today - and while Jonny was skating the boy and I crossed the vast sands to the waters edge where he was stripped down to his diaper to play in the water. He loved it. Tomorrow I will dress him in his swimmers… and bring some dry clothes so he can really have fun.
I did my usual ollies and then worked on my ollie, 180, and fakie ollie line. Same as yesterday, I took the last five minutes to work on kick flips.
Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a rut. Maybe I am improving but improving so slowly that I don't notice. Maybe I need to push myself harder. But, it is difficult when you are working in such sort increments of time. If I was a kid again, I would do stuff all day - not just for a half hour. I guess I am lucky to get that much time in with a toddler.
Jonny did awesome today - and while Jonny was skating the boy and I crossed the vast sands to the waters edge where he was stripped down to his diaper to play in the water. He loved it. Tomorrow I will dress him in his swimmers… and bring some dry clothes so he can really have fun.
July Skate Hours: 6:56 Hours
July Dance Hours: 1 Hour :-(
July Yoga Hours: 6 Hours
July Number of Waves: 39 waves :-)
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Wednesday 10 - 10:30ish Surf Zuma (2 waves)
I was a pussy today. I didn't have a very good session. Tomorrow I will try harder. (and hopefully the waves will be smaller)
Wednesday 7:37 - 8:04am Skate Natas Lot (27 mins)
It was another sleepy start to another good skate. I just love looking over at the ocean when I am skating. There are the same people walking and doing there morning things too.
This morning I did ollies. I progressed onto ollie, 180, fakie ollie, pivot. The last five minutes I spent doing some kick flips moving really slowly.
Then, Jonny did some amazing board slides while the boy and ran around and climbed in the sand.
This morning I did ollies. I progressed onto ollie, 180, fakie ollie, pivot. The last five minutes I spent doing some kick flips moving really slowly.
Then, Jonny did some amazing board slides while the boy and ran around and climbed in the sand.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Tuesday 10 - 10:30ish Surf Zuma (5 waves)
Like yesterday there were some big sets out there today. I went out and tried to avoid the huge walls of closing out water.
I caught one wave right away and thought that maybe the big waves weren't there today - but they were. There were a couple of kids surfing close to me and they seemed to have the same avoidance technique as me.
While I was waiting for a big set to crash through a sea lion popped his head up and looked at me. He was right next to me and it took my brain a minute to register that there was a sea lion next to me. And then, he was gone off down the way - popping up every now and then to see what was going on. That was kind of cool.
Five waves total today - then I got out to check on the boys and it seemed time to go. Again, I look forward to when the boys are surfing with me. Or even, being able to spend more time on the beach - Jonny said he is going to get a suit and board and try again next year. Maybe we will get a little baby board too! haha - that will be cute :-)
Tuesday 7:30 - 8am Skate Natas Lot (30 mins)
I had a good skate this morning. I did the usual and then I tried some kick flips. I was pretty tired at first but still pushed myself to have a good little session.
The boy was pulling the stroller and then running beside it to get to the pirate playground. He is getting so big! I imagined us all skating along the beach one day…
The boy was pulling the stroller and then running beside it to get to the pirate playground. He is getting so big! I imagined us all skating along the beach one day…
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Sunday 7:21 - 8:01am Skate Natas Lot (40 mins)
Jonny, the boy, and I all had new freshies today. I love my new board. I felt really comfortable on it. I had a good skate. I did the same ol' and got super sweaty.
Back to surfing tomorrow!
The boy had a skate and then we played in the pirate park on the way to breakfast. We didn't have a good sleep last night. The boy woke up in the night and we had to comfort him and put him back down and then sneak back in and he also woke up at 5:30. Needless to say… a little sleepy today! Fortunately, the new freshie gave me the energy to have a good session.
Back to surfing tomorrow!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Saturday 7:20 - 7:40am Skate Natas Lot (20 mins)
I was having an awesome skate today when Jonny told me my board was making a funny sound. I broke a washer like thing on my trucks and have two pressure cracks in my deck. Just more proof that I have been skating hard.
Oh - one more thing - Jonny told me something yesterday that made a big difference today- he said that an awesome ollie is one with three strong pushes and then pop. He said when he was taking pictures of me he got a lot of me bending and waiting until I got to my comfortable speed. Today I tried to push and no waiting in the bend just pop - and it worked way better. I have to remember to break this habit.
Oh - one more thing - Jonny told me something yesterday that made a big difference today- he said that an awesome ollie is one with three strong pushes and then pop. He said when he was taking pictures of me he got a lot of me bending and waiting until I got to my comfortable speed. Today I tried to push and no waiting in the bend just pop - and it worked way better. I have to remember to break this habit.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Friday 9:30 - 10:15ish Surf Zuma (7 waves)
I looked out at the water and thought it looked small and windy and thought I might not have a good session. However, I had an awesome little surf. The waves were small but there were more than there were yesterday. I caught seven waves. The forth wave was my favourite - I went sideways and was trying to pump to keep going but did a one foot! haha!!
Friday 7:39 - 8:09am Skate Natas Lot - (30 mins)
When I first started to skate this morning I wanted to stop and my legs didn't want to jump. Then, I changed my music to the Smashing Pumpkins and I got into it. I did a lot of ollies. I just felt like oiling. Then I did ollie, 180, pivot and repeat.
I am getting more comfortable on the crappy parking lot cement. I was super sweaty on my walk home.
I am getting more comfortable on the crappy parking lot cement. I was super sweaty on my walk home.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Thursday 10 - 10:30am Surf Zuma (2 waves)
Quick surf today. The boy didn't nap on the way to the beach..
I got in and the waves were small and not scary. I caught two little ones but it took a lot of waiting. I got out to check on the boys.. and they were ready to go.. and there was nothing really going on in the ocean.
A lot of the same people there at the same time. I wonder if we will see them again tomorrow?
The boy fell asleep on the drive home… and transferred and had a good nap in his bed. I think that is a first!
I got in and the waves were small and not scary. I caught two little ones but it took a lot of waiting. I got out to check on the boys.. and they were ready to go.. and there was nothing really going on in the ocean.
A lot of the same people there at the same time. I wonder if we will see them again tomorrow?
The boy fell asleep on the drive home… and transferred and had a good nap in his bed. I think that is a first!
Thursday 7:23 - 7:43 Skate Natis Lot (20 mins)
Twenty minutes is not a long time to skate and it was pretty early in the morning - but man was I hot and sweaty! It is hot here.
Anywho - I did some ollies and 180's. That is about it. Then I pushed the boy on the swing while Jonny skated. I have a good picture of that… I just have to transfer it over.
Tomorrow we will skate again - and I will get more comfortable with our new space. Another awesome morning :-)
Anywho - I did some ollies and 180's. That is about it. Then I pushed the boy on the swing while Jonny skated. I have a good picture of that… I just have to transfer it over.
Tomorrow we will skate again - and I will get more comfortable with our new space. Another awesome morning :-)
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Wednesday 9:30 - 10:30am Surf Zuma!! (7 waves)
I went back in for a little bit - I caught seven waves in total. When I was on a roll there I thought maybe I will go for ten waves but then… they stopped coming in so nice.
The waves were nice small waves for me. There were a couple of other people out there with me and a kids surf camp just down at the next lifeguard tower. I didn't see any dolphins - but I know I will - I will be back tomorrow - the plan is to surf Zuma every weekday.
Wednesday 7:20 - 7:47am Skate Santa Monica Sand Gaps - Natas Spot (27mins)
We had an awesome morning. We finally got some sleep last night - yes! Hopefully, this new routine will stick and we won't have anymore problems until the drive home - or fingers crossed for no more problems??!!
I skate the parking lot. It wasn't very nice concrete but around and back and forth I went - right on the beach. So nice! I did some ollies and 180's and a couple of fakie ollies - but that is it. No where near where I was at at home - but I had another long break… and we got a few weeks to play around.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Friday 5:35 - 6:35 Hip Hop - Carlo Atienza
I haven't danced in so long and it was good to get back. Now that I have been back … I want to keep on going. When I come back from LA I promise to take one jazz and one hip hop class per week. I will take them one after the other so that there is less likelihood that I miss a class - get there dance and come home - done!
We did a dance to a Settle Down - a remix of it. It was shape hitting then fem and down to the floor - then freestyle then da da da da hit ending.
We did a dance to a Settle Down - a remix of it. It was shape hitting then fem and down to the floor - then freestyle then da da da da hit ending.
Friday 9:50 - 10:24 Skate E Spot (34 mins)
We had a slow start this morning. Christian got up too early and had to go back to bed. Now he is great!
It is hot!
- rolled around
- mongo to fakie
- new line: fakie, pivot, ollie, 180, fakie ollie
It is hot!
- rolled around
- mongo to fakie
- new line: fakie, pivot, ollie, 180, fakie ollie
Friday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Roxana
Today was a good class! Thank-you Roxana for the perfect tempo and temperature. I felt strong and challenged. Now, I get a month or so break from yoga - although I am going to try to do it once at the Marina del Ray studio. I feel good leaving on a strong note.
The class was packed again today - there had to be almost fifty people. There was hardly any matt space when I got there so I was at my least favourite spot - right at the front too close to the mirror and too far away from a fan and the cooling breeze created by the door if the teacher is kind enough to open it. No one wants to see themselves that close in the mirror that early … or ever! I tried to stare at my knees to make sure they were locked and not at my least favourite body parts.. (like my armpits!)
I thought about English 9 again. My thoughts went from class room management with cell phones to what can kids do when they are done their work to silent reading and how much time and when will I implement it. Also, what are acceptable silent reading choices?
The class was packed again today - there had to be almost fifty people. There was hardly any matt space when I got there so I was at my least favourite spot - right at the front too close to the mirror and too far away from a fan and the cooling breeze created by the door if the teacher is kind enough to open it. No one wants to see themselves that close in the mirror that early … or ever! I tried to stare at my knees to make sure they were locked and not at my least favourite body parts.. (like my armpits!)
I thought about English 9 again. My thoughts went from class room management with cell phones to what can kids do when they are done their work to silent reading and how much time and when will I implement it. Also, what are acceptable silent reading choices?
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Thursday 8:37 - 9:12 Skate E Spot (35 mins)
We both felt tired this morning and didn't feel like skating but once we got there we got into it. I started by rolling around a bit. Next, I pushed mongo and rode fakie. I then decided to add this to the beginning of my current line. So, I pushed mongo to fakie - did a pivot to ride regular - ollie - 180 - fakie ollie. Now I just have to get it fast. It was nice to focus on something a little different.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Wednesday 9:14 - 9:46 Skate E Spot (32 mins)
I had a better skate today. I was pretty pooped from just doing yoga - but I got into it.
- rolled around
- mongo push to fakie - added a pivot out - one day to be a 180.
- ollie, 180, fakie ollie
- rolled around
- mongo push to fakie - added a pivot out - one day to be a 180.
- ollie, 180, fakie ollie
Wednesday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Mari
Today was a better class than Monday by far but I wouldn't say I had a good class. The place was packed! There had to have been almost fifty people in class this morning. It looked more like a 6:15pm class as opposed to a 6am class. That always makes it hotter.
I got 1/4 for my standing bows. I almost got 2 but I couldn't hold the last ten seconds. I tried!!
I missed one balancing stick.
I missed one left triangle.
I missed one camel.
I drifted off into thinking about English 9 and how I was going to deal with behaviour issues like lates. I thought about positive reinforcement and rewarding good behaviour with some sort of game. I think I am going to make some J Fresh money and attach money to 100% and outstanding work as well as award the class money when everyone is in attendance and not late. Money can be spent to buy free time for the class or a class game - or the students can pool their money together and work together to achieve a bigger goal like a class treat or pizza or party class. I am still working out details in my head - but I think it could be fun and motivational. I know we did something like this in French immersion. I will talk to Carrie about it today - she will have some ideas. The thing is… it is one of those things that will have a lot of kinks to start and would get ironed out over the years. It would be nice to have the chance to teach this class again and get the kinks ironed out.
I got 1/4 for my standing bows. I almost got 2 but I couldn't hold the last ten seconds. I tried!!
I missed one balancing stick.
I missed one left triangle.
I missed one camel.
I drifted off into thinking about English 9 and how I was going to deal with behaviour issues like lates. I thought about positive reinforcement and rewarding good behaviour with some sort of game. I think I am going to make some J Fresh money and attach money to 100% and outstanding work as well as award the class money when everyone is in attendance and not late. Money can be spent to buy free time for the class or a class game - or the students can pool their money together and work together to achieve a bigger goal like a class treat or pizza or party class. I am still working out details in my head - but I think it could be fun and motivational. I know we did something like this in French immersion. I will talk to Carrie about it today - she will have some ideas. The thing is… it is one of those things that will have a lot of kinks to start and would get ironed out over the years. It would be nice to have the chance to teach this class again and get the kinks ironed out.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Tuesday 8:32 - 9:10 Skate E Spot (38 mins)
Wow - we haven't skated in a long time because of Jonny's back. Today it felt so good to be back into our routine. I mean, it was difficult to get started and I really sucked - we can't take breaks like this again - but the boy was good and it was so nice to be getting out and moving in the morning.
(I woke up to go to yoga this morning and turned off my alarm - I didn't want to have another class like yesterday. I will go tomorrow)
This morning it took me a while to get my ollies back. I rolled around for a while and then just started doing some ollies. Then I added the 180's and fakie shuvits. It was hot and we were sweaty. The boy was pretty good. I look forward to an afternoon shady skate :-)
(I woke up to go to yoga this morning and turned off my alarm - I didn't want to have another class like yesterday. I will go tomorrow)
This morning it took me a while to get my ollies back. I rolled around for a while and then just started doing some ollies. Then I added the 180's and fakie shuvits. It was hot and we were sweaty. The boy was pretty good. I look forward to an afternoon shady skate :-)
Monday, July 7, 2014
Monday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Mari
I didn't want to get up but I did. Tanya was next to me in class. She left early so didn't get to say hi. I wouldn't have been able to talk proper after class anyways - that was hot and awful. I started super strong and then got dizzy during the balancing series and gave up from then to spine strengthening. I finished… not strong. I drank all my water early and was so thirsty at the end of class.
I will go back tomorrow to delete this class from my mind and leave something better in its place.
I will go back tomorrow to delete this class from my mind and leave something better in its place.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Thursday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Roxana
I didn't have a good sleep last night. I don't know why. I felt like I was awake and not really asleep but I must have been sleeping. I know Jonny didn't have a good sleep. His back has been out all week. He is a good man though helping out the cleaning lady to move her stuff. I can't believe it. And now he can't move. No good.
Anywho, I had a good yoga class except for my left hip flexor. My left leg doesn't want to lift. I am blaming the baby gate that I am walking over all of the time… and the c section for weakening that area. It hasn't been good since then. I think I need a rest.
My standing bow I got 3/4. I almost got 4/4 but I couldn't hold one of them and I fell out right before it was time to change and I didn't have time to get back in. Close to a four but I can't give myself I four. I gotta learn to hold on to the very end.
My triangle on the left I held a high lunge and tipped over a little. I didn't do anything that hurt my hip but I didn't take a break. I did what I could do.
It was a pretty good class minus the hip flexor. It was the worst when we went from laying down to sitting up and turning around. It just didn't want to lift my leg. It needs a break. (but it won't get a real one with that stupid gate!)
Anywho, I had a good yoga class except for my left hip flexor. My left leg doesn't want to lift. I am blaming the baby gate that I am walking over all of the time… and the c section for weakening that area. It hasn't been good since then. I think I need a rest.
My standing bow I got 3/4. I almost got 4/4 but I couldn't hold one of them and I fell out right before it was time to change and I didn't have time to get back in. Close to a four but I can't give myself I four. I gotta learn to hold on to the very end.
My triangle on the left I held a high lunge and tipped over a little. I didn't do anything that hurt my hip but I didn't take a break. I did what I could do.
It was a pretty good class minus the hip flexor. It was the worst when we went from laying down to sitting up and turning around. It just didn't want to lift my leg. It needs a break. (but it won't get a real one with that stupid gate!)
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