Here are some clips from my #yogainto2020 #yogaeveryday challenge.
I got to do yoga by the Christmas tree. Christian sometimes popped his little face in the camera or joined me on his mat. Sometimes he joined me on my mat and weaved himself or toys in and around me. Sometimes, I practiced at work in my office.
I downloaded the video for this one. I need to do this class again.
This is the final video. I was sooooo done making videos at this point. Jonny was also happy to have me stop making videos. He would walk in the room - see the camera and walk back out. I get it, we live in a small space and if I am always making videos and he doesn't want to be in them.. then his space is smaller. They are fast forwarded though - so easy to just step over the camera... all good! The videos were fun but time consuming.