I just finished the 80 Day Obsession again. I am not as excited as I was the first time I completed it because I feel like I cheated myself by not following the nutrition. It is hard to follow the nutrition in a new country where I get free lunch at school and they have chicken flavoured Doritos. Also, another excuse, food is really expensive, so eating perfectly healthy with timed nutrition would have been a challenge that way too. One more thing, I didn't want to do all the grocery shopping. That is Jonny's job. So, I didn't do the nutrition. I had a good breakfast: oatmeal with a scoop of peanut butter and a banana chocolate Vega and Greens shake. That was a good start. School lunch, I tried to eat all the veggies but sometimes I am so hungry by the time I get to lunch, that I really want to eat it all. I need to have a mid morning healthy snack to prevent me from over eating at lunch. Dinner, I eat whatever Jonny makes me and that is usually pasta or a rice bowl. If I got home before dinner I would have Doritos and a pop. We would also go have Tacos and beer on the weekend. Ya, I didn't do the nutrition like the first time. I am bummed on that. What can I do? I am done now. The next program I start I will try to be better with my nutrition. I can already tell though, it won't be until I am back home in Vancouver that I really do it right. Excuses.
I am stronger. I can feel my muscles. That is another difference here. I was doing it in the gym at school. I had all the selections of weights but they were in kilograms, so I am not sure if I was lifting the same or more than at home. WHOA.. I just looked it up:
3kg = 6.61 lbs
5kg = 11 lbs
7kg = 15.43 lbs
9kg = 19.84 lbs
15kg = 33.09 lbs
Before I was started the 80OB I was alternating yoga, running, barre, and The Work. I liked mixing it up and having something different everyday. Likewise, I enjoyed being back with Autumn and completing her workouts. I forgot how much I liked her workouts and how I would leave feeling motivated and inspired.