Carrie and I took the day off school today - yeah!! We might go to yoga later - so I got up and went for a run. I was excited to try out my new nike sensor but it didn't work!!! I have to google search the answer.. and/ or take it back to the nike store. (which sucks.. cause last weekend.. I went to buy a new one and she said I had to have the old one.. then I went home and got the old one.. and then another guy was there and said I didn't need the old one.. it was .. not cool!! Now I have to go back cause it isn't working???? What is the dealio?)
Anywho... I had a great run.. I did the bridge run: Cambie/ Granville. It is nice and sunny - I had a great time. I always forget how much I really like running. This was my second run of the year... I ran once in Vernon with Cierra, Shakira, and Kelsi! YEAH!!