So - I haven't been to yoga in a while. It has been nice to take a break. I have never had Kari-Lynn as a teacher before - she must be new. She was good. No problems. The annoying sigh guy was there. I know which one he is now because he was signing before the class started. Quit sighing guy! You are annoying.. but I know - I should be able to focus past that and not let him annoy me.
I stood in a different place today. I am convinced it was the hot end of the room! It was very hot today. I got really hot during the balancing series and sat out of some sets. Let me go though them: I did both Dandayamana Janushirasana - and I did them very well. Although I cheated and used my face cloth to hold my foot because I moisturized this morning and I was slick like rick! I did both sets of Dandayamana Dhanurasana - using the face cloth again. I only did one set of Tulandandasana - I just knelt down to catch my breath and regain my balance. I did both sets of Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana and my head is touching and my hips feel more even. There is less pull from the right ham. I only did the second set of 9. Trikanasana, Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana and I skipped the standing tree altogether and hit my savasana early! (I copy and pasted all the word!!! Maybe one day I will be that nerdy that I can spew them out with proper spelling!!)
I am happy with my hamstring. It was so good in the anushirasana with Paschimottanasana! I got my head to my knee and I am getting close to back where I was with both legs forward and trying to get the chest to my legs! I remember last year when I could just lay there. I think my hamstring just needs time. I also think the little break I just took from yoga was a good rest for it. I stayed in at the end of class and did some laying hamstring stretches and I used my towel for my right leg. It is past ninety but it is shaky.
One thing that I was thinking about in yoga today was my eating! I have been eating a lot of junk lately. Not all the time - but still I could be better. It is hard because I hate to grocery shop - but I just have to get more organized. I was also thinking that maybe I need to start writing down what I eat. That would make me think about it and make wiser choices. Or it might just make me creepy and obsessive. On that note- I ordered from Yopo after yoga - thinking I would get some vegetables and rice. I must have said my order wrong because I got vegetables and tofu - which was really good - and I beef and vegetable dish - no rice.. and two dishes and so much food!!! But both good and I ate lots of vegetables. I think the key to vegetables is sauce.. and those were tasty sauces!! Anywho- I left a note for my roomie to eat some - because tomorrow I sushi with my dad at lunch - with Carrie after yoga - then I leave for Armstrong the next day.. and I don't think I want mushy vegetables on Sunday... so.. Ian scored!!
OK- goodnight!!! (mom!!!)
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