4 km
20:23 mins
Run club night tonight. I didn't want to go. Rainy and yucky and tired and blah blah blah... just not into it. But.. I went. I drove down. No problems.
They had a speaker about nutrition and he was really good. I sat close and I heard everything. He said the rule before racing is 4, 3, 2, 1. Which means eat a big meal four hours before, smaller snack three hours.. etc... Basically eat healthy and if you use up stuff put it back. A portion of carbs on your plate should be two fist fulls... and after a race you need to add the carbs and protein back in.. I think I understand.. will I be that organized? I will try!
They said they can't force us to use water belts next week but we should start using them for runs longer than an hour. It is a 10 km. No biggie. I might get peer pressured into getting one soon.. GAY!
Eww.. here is one analogy the dude said. We all know that if you are thirsty or hungry it is too late. you want to avoid these two things from happening. Prevention is better than trying to fix the damn that already has holes in it... ??? ya.. .. anyways... He said once you are thirsty your muscles are like sticking together and you need to keep them wet so you don't get injured. Something like that.. it was a gross picture in my head.. and my muscles in my mind were blue?? why?? I don't know!
So, today we ran a 4km speed trial??? Or something like that. One girl stayed at the 0km marked and the other one ran down to the 2km marker where we would turn around and run back. We were supposed to run at what we thought our race pace was. The girl I talked to before about calibrating came over and said.. hey we should calibrate.. so we did. The calibrate only goes up to 2km. I set it... and I went to the back of the pack. I got it all set and the pack had gone. I ran past everyone! I love zooming. We were supposed to go how fast we thought we could run the marathon... but everyone was going so slow. Anywho.. I got to the 2km mark and I stopped.. and finished my calibration. The lady kept telling me to keep going but whatevs.. then I reset it for 2km and ran back. The boy that leads my 1:45 pace group got way in front of me when I stopped but I caught up to him and then he zoomed the last 1km. I stayed my pace cause I had pooped myself out at the start.. as usual!! hahaha!
I am just so stoked that I calibrated. She told me that I ran 20:23 when I got to the end.. I was third... and I started last and took a break at the 2km mark to calibrate!! YAY FAST GIRL!!
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