Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday 8am Hot Yoges - Christine - I'm on a Boat!!

Wow!! I just got back from yoga. I am on a boat. I thought it was all in my head but I can't stand still! I couldn't balance. It was so hard! I really want to get off this boat. I have been off of it since Wednesday morning. Other than trying to focus on something still and imagine I am still and not swaying side to side - my flexibility was good and I felt strong. I had a very challenging class. Also, yesterday in Houston G and I ate some bad food and we both had exploding buts when we got home - actually I knew it was going to explode at the border... we had to hold it in till we got home!! I still had an upset stomach this morning. So - I think I had an awesome class because I went there and did it despite all my physical challenges!

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