Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday 4km Race Pace - Week 16

4.21 km
24:27 mins
5:46 min/km
317 cals

Tonight we had a talk about what to do race week, race day.. etc. I think the main rule is don't do anything that you haven't already tried in training. The second thing is to ask yourself before you do something if it is stupid and if it is stupid then go back in the house and watch TV. You should be in a bubble in whole grain carbs from till race day. And.. no curry vegetable rice before the race- smelly and you will have to hit every porta pottie. What else... set your alarm with AM... get someone to call you.. be there at least a half an hour early and that means 6:30 am. Wear clothes you can chuck off - they will go to charity. Wear a plastic bag if it is raining and remember to take it off when you start running.

I hope it is a morning like this morning. This morning would have been perfect. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!

We ran through coal harbour and through the parking lot and I could see crab park and then we turned around. It was an easy run. I ran with my snowboarder, kindergarten teacher and that other girl who told me to calibrate way back in the beginning. She called me a machine. hahaha! I said.. no I am not! I don't feel like I am. But.. I was stoked inside. I am a machine!

YA,.. easy run.. beautiful night... chatty fun... let's do this!! OH.. I wasn't going to go to the dinner.. but I signed up cause the snowboarder girl is going. It is at the Irish Heather on May 11th.. why not eh?

1 comment:

  1. Can you email me-explain this carb bubble?
    I thought if I cut out chocolate, that would be a good enough pre-race plan!
