Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday 6-7:15 Flow - Tianne
I love this class. We sat for a long time at the start which was sore in my upper back. We did a lot of arm exercises that stretched out the shoulders and the upper back. I felt strong during this class. This is the last class of February. I am looking forward to doing a lot more yoga and dance classes tpin March. I will also do some fun runs if it gets warm in spring break! Bring on the sun :-)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Friday 6-7 Hot Yoges - Sarah
I love this class. It was so cold on my walk down and so steamy head on my walk back up. It was a good sized class for the morning. I like how Sarah does mostly hot poses - and she does the plank at the end - twice and plays music to make it easier. People whine at this point. I like it though. It was an awesome morning for me. YAY!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thursday 6-7:30 Hot Yoges - Christine
I always have a lot of thinking going on and today I really tried to remember it... here goes:
Laying down on my mat waiting for class to start I am thinking about food. Groceries that I have to go get now so that I can eat dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow morning. Cheese, pasta, and cereal. Cheese, pasta, and cereal. I try and talk myself into getting take out. But this will be easier - once I go. Back to my mat. My legs get itchy. Is it because it was so cold outside? Why just my legs? Because I shave them? I can feel each tiny pore screaming for scratches. I scratch. It makes it worse and I stop. I think about one of the times I was in CR with Emma and I had the long, grey Nike shorts that had a weird lining that made me have this same itch. Too hot. Too something.
The guy behind me puts his mat directly - and I mean directly in front of the girl in the back row. He matches it to her mat so it is perfectly blocking any possible view that she had in the mirror and she was there first. Not cool dude. I made a face. Oh.. did he notice. Lay back down on your mat and focus on breathing... not your grocery list.
One of the regulars goes beside me. She has a tensor on the same ankle as my sore one. I wonder what happened to her?
The class starts. My new ring cuts into my finger when I squeeze my hands together so hard in half moon. I move it to my knuckle so I can squeeze my hands properly. I developed this technique last week.
Awkward pose next. I can't bend. The girl next to me can bend. The boy behind me doesn't do things at the same time as the class. He is trying really hard but doesn't understand that the class gets energy from each other if we move together. His feet are way farther than hip width apart. Ignore him and focus. Don't let his fidgety ruin your class. I smile and focus.
Eagle - went and got groceries. It is COLD out. Why is cereal so expensive at Choices? Rip off.. I wish I could wait till Superstore on Sunday. Whatever. I picked a bag of some puffy, organic cereal. I have enough empty cereal boxes in my paper recycling in my office that they seemed to have forgotten about- I will just put the bag into one of those and it will pour nice. I don't think it will taste nice though. The box will just make me disappointed that it isn't LIFE.
Eagle - I didn't balance on the bad ankle. I focused on flexibility.
I don't feel like writing any more. Here are some bits and pieces of what I was going to write: pink toes that I painted before I went to class. I need more practice painting my own toes. Jonny saying he wanted to help me. HaHAHA.. cute! Him letting me pop his blood blister. The yoga dance I made up a few years ago. My yoga field trip next Wednesday. Carrie getting a pass to that yoga place. 20 classed for $30! What a deal! She has to drive to Delta though. Friday dinner and popcorn at the movie!!! What will we eat before? I think I was hungry. Blue Gatorade waiting for me in my fridge. High School High. Cheesey Bites Pizza. What do I need to bring to the competition? Charge the cameras. Bring the ghetto. Remember the back up CD. .... Time to eat!! LATER !!
Laying down on my mat waiting for class to start I am thinking about food. Groceries that I have to go get now so that I can eat dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow morning. Cheese, pasta, and cereal. Cheese, pasta, and cereal. I try and talk myself into getting take out. But this will be easier - once I go. Back to my mat. My legs get itchy. Is it because it was so cold outside? Why just my legs? Because I shave them? I can feel each tiny pore screaming for scratches. I scratch. It makes it worse and I stop. I think about one of the times I was in CR with Emma and I had the long, grey Nike shorts that had a weird lining that made me have this same itch. Too hot. Too something.
The guy behind me puts his mat directly - and I mean directly in front of the girl in the back row. He matches it to her mat so it is perfectly blocking any possible view that she had in the mirror and she was there first. Not cool dude. I made a face. Oh.. did he notice. Lay back down on your mat and focus on breathing... not your grocery list.
One of the regulars goes beside me. She has a tensor on the same ankle as my sore one. I wonder what happened to her?
The class starts. My new ring cuts into my finger when I squeeze my hands together so hard in half moon. I move it to my knuckle so I can squeeze my hands properly. I developed this technique last week.
Awkward pose next. I can't bend. The girl next to me can bend. The boy behind me doesn't do things at the same time as the class. He is trying really hard but doesn't understand that the class gets energy from each other if we move together. His feet are way farther than hip width apart. Ignore him and focus. Don't let his fidgety ruin your class. I smile and focus.
Eagle - went and got groceries. It is COLD out. Why is cereal so expensive at Choices? Rip off.. I wish I could wait till Superstore on Sunday. Whatever. I picked a bag of some puffy, organic cereal. I have enough empty cereal boxes in my paper recycling in my office that they seemed to have forgotten about- I will just put the bag into one of those and it will pour nice. I don't think it will taste nice though. The box will just make me disappointed that it isn't LIFE.
Eagle - I didn't balance on the bad ankle. I focused on flexibility.
I don't feel like writing any more. Here are some bits and pieces of what I was going to write: pink toes that I painted before I went to class. I need more practice painting my own toes. Jonny saying he wanted to help me. HaHAHA.. cute! Him letting me pop his blood blister. The yoga dance I made up a few years ago. My yoga field trip next Wednesday. Carrie getting a pass to that yoga place. 20 classed for $30! What a deal! She has to drive to Delta though. Friday dinner and popcorn at the movie!!! What will we eat before? I think I was hungry. Blue Gatorade waiting for me in my fridge. High School High. Cheesey Bites Pizza. What do I need to bring to the competition? Charge the cameras. Bring the ghetto. Remember the back up CD. .... Time to eat!! LATER !!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday 6-7:30 Hot - Taryn
Will fill in tomorrow at school.
Here I am at school today... yesterday's tomorrow.
Let me see what I can remember. I thought too much. I have been having a lazy time. Last week set a precedent for me of laziness but it was because there was Valentine's Day, anniversary day, girls sushi night - so I just had more social activities last week than normal. It was nice and relaxing and I guess I enjoyed it too much because when it came to go back to dance on Monday I didn't want to go. It was a combo of not wanting to not have Moe either. Where is she? I hope she is ok. I miss her. So, I grumpled and ate and watched t.v. and went to bed early.
Tuesday - yesterday was my day to get back into the grind. I was feeling good. I had a lot to think about. I was planning formation changes - really complicated ones for my Womanizer dance - and thinking about school stuff a lot. I have a lot to do right now. It will cool off after competitions. I was having an awesome class until the last triangle and my knee did something weird. It did this same thing in dance class at school during the day but went away - this time it didn't go away. I tried to get back up and I did half of standing separate leg head to knee pose but sat down after half cause my knee was still shooting pain. LEFT knee - ankle side. hmmmm... maybe that has something to do with it? There was only one more posture before the floor stuff and it was swelling super huge - a little puffy - but I waited and did the floor stuff. I only did one set of the floor bow though. That is the only one that kinda hurt. I couldn't walk very fast home though. I iced and adviled when I got home with hopes it would be gone in the morning - but it is still here - not as bad now. I have walked it off. I am going to live. It kinda feels like when I start running - that little click pain but not really click... that I get when I start running that goes away after a week or two and doesn't come back until I stop running and decide to start again. Weird. I am sure it will go away and it is just another sign of me being 36... almost 37!!!
Here I am at school today... yesterday's tomorrow.
Let me see what I can remember. I thought too much. I have been having a lazy time. Last week set a precedent for me of laziness but it was because there was Valentine's Day, anniversary day, girls sushi night - so I just had more social activities last week than normal. It was nice and relaxing and I guess I enjoyed it too much because when it came to go back to dance on Monday I didn't want to go. It was a combo of not wanting to not have Moe either. Where is she? I hope she is ok. I miss her. So, I grumpled and ate and watched t.v. and went to bed early.
Tuesday - yesterday was my day to get back into the grind. I was feeling good. I had a lot to think about. I was planning formation changes - really complicated ones for my Womanizer dance - and thinking about school stuff a lot. I have a lot to do right now. It will cool off after competitions. I was having an awesome class until the last triangle and my knee did something weird. It did this same thing in dance class at school during the day but went away - this time it didn't go away. I tried to get back up and I did half of standing separate leg head to knee pose but sat down after half cause my knee was still shooting pain. LEFT knee - ankle side. hmmmm... maybe that has something to do with it? There was only one more posture before the floor stuff and it was swelling super huge - a little puffy - but I waited and did the floor stuff. I only did one set of the floor bow though. That is the only one that kinda hurt. I couldn't walk very fast home though. I iced and adviled when I got home with hopes it would be gone in the morning - but it is still here - not as bad now. I have walked it off. I am going to live. It kinda feels like when I start running - that little click pain but not really click... that I get when I start running that goes away after a week or two and doesn't come back until I stop running and decide to start again. Weird. I am sure it will go away and it is just another sign of me being 36... almost 37!!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tuesday 6-7:30 Hot Yoges - Taryn
Leo took class today! YAY! He is my favourite yogi. Taryn started with the lights way out tonight - and I remembered last week - how I don't think she ever turned them up and it made me sleepy. Today she turned them up right after the first exercise. I like the lights on. But that is cause I like to spy around.
She only did one set of the exercise before spinal twist. I started to say something but Leo gave me the.. don't .. we can get out of here faster look. I remember she has done that before. I wonder why she does that? Is it because we are running out of time... over time?
My ankle is still not bending. BOO!
Jonny met me outside of yoga today. YA! AND.. he got me a slurpee!!! WOO HOO!! I am so lucky!!
I thought about my dances that I am creating. I have to make up some new parts tomorrow morning when I get to school. I also thought about my Breakdance team which no longer exists. That sucks. OH WELL.. I get to get up and go to yoga on Tuesday mornings now... and maybe I can get to JP's class at 5:30 on Wednesdays!
She only did one set of the exercise before spinal twist. I started to say something but Leo gave me the.. don't .. we can get out of here faster look. I remember she has done that before. I wonder why she does that? Is it because we are running out of time... over time?
My ankle is still not bending. BOO!

I thought about my dances that I am creating. I have to make up some new parts tomorrow morning when I get to school. I also thought about my Breakdance team which no longer exists. That sucks. OH WELL.. I get to get up and go to yoga on Tuesday mornings now... and maybe I can get to JP's class at 5:30 on Wednesdays!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday 1:30 - 2:30 Street Jazz - JoJo - Twigg and Amanda
The Jojo Show took a while to wake up. I think I heard him say that he didn't sleep last night. It was a fun class nonetheless. We did a Nicki Manaj song. It was pretty funny. He gave us a free 8 count. His example of split humping the floor... was funny - but not replicated by Twigg, Amanda, or myself. We still had fun and ended up getting sweaty.. finally... in this class. I can't believe I danced for an hour and a half ... and didn't get sweaty in the first class.
After class, Twigg, Amanda and I went to the new Excellent Sushi - but it is not called Excellent Sushi anymore. It was way more fancy and it was way better quality. It was pleasant. I will be back!
After class, Twigg, Amanda and I went to the new Excellent Sushi - but it is not called Excellent Sushi anymore. It was way more fancy and it was way better quality. It was pleasant. I will be back!
Friday 12- 1:30 Contemporary Jazz 2/3 - Kirsten Wicklund - Twigg and Amanda
Whoa- this was our guest teacher for class today. There were only six of us in class. She did an hour warm up with plies and tendus with lots of fondus and I can't bend. I got kinda depressed and frustrated. I want to move normal. I felt fat and old in this class. I wonder why? Could it be the perfect skinny dance teacher???? I would have loved this class before the screwed ankle.
The last half of hour we did some cool choreography. This redeemed the class for me and I started to feel better.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Wednesday 6:30-7:30 Hip Hop - Jen O
Melissa was in the class before mine - JP's. She had to get some food... and was going to take Eric's groovin' class at 7:30. I will be taking that tomorrow! YAY!
It was so cold when I was walking to Harbour. I had my puffy on and my hands tucked into my sleeves but when upon my return I was hoodie only. Steamy head!
Alex was away today but that is okay cause Jen O was there to teach. I like her style. I had some sticky parts... and I got those damn... I am not cool enough nerves... but... whatever... I danced and had fun... and I am working on not feeling like the 36 year old dork with the broken ankle.
It was so cold when I was walking to Harbour. I had my puffy on and my hands tucked into my sleeves but when upon my return I was hoodie only. Steamy head!
Alex was away today but that is okay cause Jen O was there to teach. I like her style. I had some sticky parts... and I got those damn... I am not cool enough nerves... but... whatever... I danced and had fun... and I am working on not feeling like the 36 year old dork with the broken ankle.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tuesday 6-7:30 Hot Yoges - Taryn
Fried rice, hot, take flight - keep it tight, field trip spread sheet, reversing my grip and the way i change sides, the man with the sore back, the old man trying but not quite reaching any posture, Taryn not giving any corrections or modifications, the annoying, little dude is still doing the class at his own pace with no regard for the flow and energy of the class, are we done yet? Tired, sore muscles, yawning, breathing and trying my hardest except for the one where both legs go up at the back and stretching both legs forward... Done!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday 6-7:15 Flow - Tianne - Sophie :-)
I really love Tianne's class. Today her focus was breathing - pulsing.
Sophie and two of her teacher friends came ro class. Sophie had a dead phone and snuck into my building and was trying to call me from the plug in my hall because I didn't hear her knock the first time. We made it in plenty of time.
Tianne helped me twice. Once in the twisted penche thing and the second time in the bind. My quad was killing me and I didn't want to stay in pthe bind but there was no way out and I just had to breathe through it. I guess I learned not to pussy out so fast.
K... Bed time for this kid!
Sophie and two of her teacher friends came ro class. Sophie had a dead phone and snuck into my building and was trying to call me from the plug in my hall because I didn't hear her knock the first time. We made it in plenty of time.
Tianne helped me twice. Once in the twisted penche thing and the second time in the bind. My quad was killing me and I didn't want to stay in pthe bind but there was no way out and I just had to breathe through it. I guess I learned not to pussy out so fast.
K... Bed time for this kid!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sunday 2-3:30 Hot Yoges - Angela
There were only thirteen people in the class. There was only one old man out of all of us ladies. Superbowl Sunday is a great time to go to yoga. It was nice to have so much space around me and to do a class where I could try hard the whole time without dying of heat.
It feels good to feel good. I have been sick for so long. Jonny is sick now. I left him sleeping in the smelly room. It was awesome to get away from that.
Angela had some good alterations today. We did eagle with legs first then arms second. We also did cobra with legs hip width apart. And, on locust pose Angela helped lift my legs up. I hate that one - I can never get my legs up... so that was fun!
It feels good to feel good. I have been sick for so long. Jonny is sick now. I left him sleeping in the smelly room. It was awesome to get away from that.
Angela had some good alterations today. We did eagle with legs first then arms second. We also did cobra with legs hip width apart. And, on locust pose Angela helped lift my legs up. I hate that one - I can never get my legs up... so that was fun!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday 6am Hot Yoges - Sarah
I like Sarah's class. She does a lot of the 90 minute postures. I got a good work out - lots of sweat with no fluffy stuff.
Danielle was in class! I haven't seen her in months - we have been missing each other I guess. I won't see her next Friday because it is a pro D and I am going to Harbour.
Leo and Pam were kinda with me - in my mind - because I saw them both yesterday. Pamela on the way to Harbour on Nelson and Leo on the way home from Harbour on Helmcken. That was cool.
My ankle - inside of the left ankle is having some sharp pains. I had it dance last night too. I don't like that. I gotta ease off. I am not better!! BOOO!! Get better already!!!
Danielle was in class! I haven't seen her in months - we have been missing each other I guess. I won't see her next Friday because it is a pro D and I am going to Harbour.
Leo and Pam were kinda with me - in my mind - because I saw them both yesterday. Pamela on the way to Harbour on Nelson and Leo on the way home from Harbour on Helmcken. That was cool.
My ankle - inside of the left ankle is having some sharp pains. I had it dance last night too. I don't like that. I gotta ease off. I am not better!! BOOO!! Get better already!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Thursday 6:15 - 7:15 Groovin' - Carlena Britch
Eric wasn't the teacher today. She didn't tell us her name at the start... and if she did.. I didn't hear her. I found it... it was on the website - Carlena Britch. Let's see if I can find a picture.
SHE IS A DIAMOND!! I knew it!
The was my first time taking this class but I am going to be a regular... at least for a while. Or maybe I will alternate Wednesday and Thursday - that way I can have Katherine's flow and Christine's hot alternating weeks. YES! That is my plan!
It was fun just to move and bend in all directions to dope music. It was like doing the cardio part of the warm up for a whole hour. You could really get into your movements and try to make them big, bend, lean, hard, and smooth. FUN.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Wednesday 6-7:15 Flow - Katherine
At the start of class when we were sitting cross legged we ZIPPED our toes. Let me see if I can find a picture of this. It felt weird. I can't find a picture. Weird. Anyways you sit with the bottoms of your feet together and then you interlace your toes with your baby right toe on the bottom. Try it! haha!
We ohmed three times at the beginning and once at the end. I did baby ohms.
There was a nice new girl next to me, Nicole.
My arms are rubbing and sore from those freezes we do from the squat position.
My ankle is stiff and sore. It felt better after yoga. It still isn't happy though. I am just going to keep listening to my body and don't do too much... try not to do too much.
We ohmed three times at the beginning and once at the end. I did baby ohms.
There was a nice new girl next to me, Nicole.
My arms are rubbing and sore from those freezes we do from the squat position.
My ankle is stiff and sore. It felt better after yoga. It still isn't happy though. I am just going to keep listening to my body and don't do too much... try not to do too much.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday 6-7:15 Flow -Tianne
This was an awesome class. I love Tianne! There was no ohming. It was clear and calm. She tends to focus a lot on keeping the shoulders back which is not only one of my problem points but seems to be quite common. She has a lot of tricks to keep you focused on fixing that problem area. It was nice to do a different type of flow than Katherine's. She did a lot of postures that were new to me.
Awesome class - I am glad I went. My ankle missed it. I am glad to be back in action!
Awesome class - I am glad I went. My ankle missed it. I am glad to be back in action!
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