I had another awesome class today. This teacher rocks. He gives everyone really awesome corrections. Today he told me something that totally makes sense... Now. Why didn't anyone else tell me this before? In the floor bow pose relax my stomach. It is automated response is to flex and protect the inner organs. However our goal is to flex the back and relax the stomach allowin you to roll forward and balance on your hips. He explained how muscles worj together in opposition. Ex- when the bisep flexes the tricep relaxes. This is the same in the bow pose - the back flexes and the stomach muscles relax. It is hard to untrain bad habits but I will keep trying.
He also spoke about how Bikram went off when someo e lifted their handsin cobra. They do that at my studio. He also said there are many different types of yoga and many different ways to do postures. In Bikrams we are aiming to do them all the same way. Other classes you can work on other goals.
My long toes are working.
My ankle clicked yesterday when I was surfing. Something is not quite right with it. There is some pain on the inside of the ankle. I will monitor this and not hurt it more.
My shoulders were hurting today because I surfed with Annina at 6:30- small and closey- I can't see what I'm tyling on my phone now .. So done!
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