Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday 1-2:30 Jazz - Moe!

I can jump and bend. I am so happy. I loved being back in Moe's class. It was fun warming up and going across the floor. Her routine was nice and flowy and feel good. I was trying and I think I successfully kept in time with the music. I was counting... and I was trying to connect with the music. (I don't eat till dad gets home?)

1. walk, walk, jete, jete, step retire balance. Repeat starting with other leg.
We did this again and changed the rhythm of it and the retire hold could be anything but a retire.
2. chaine, chaine, chaine, chaine, down, repeat, prep double, prep triple.
Prep wide with the back leg so you can brake... before you turn.
3. run, run jump, ball change, little, big, biggest
4. Step, jump, step, jump, step, jump, step, jump.  - This is when I realized.. hey... I just jumped and landed!! I can jump!!

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