I am BACK! (At least I hope I am!!) Yesterday, I was feeling really bad about myself because the morning sickness returned. I just wanted to make a week fitness plan and stick to it. I felt like I was looking like a fat pregnant person and I always wanted to be a skinny pregnant person. I had the ankle set back which made me not as skinny as I was - then morning sickness and pregnancy. I was reading about after pregnancy and how long it will be to get back in shape then. I am worried about a c section and how that is going to effect my training. Jonny said if it takes 9 months to get that way it will take 9 months to get out of looking that way. That made me more depressed because I know it is true and I know that I am normal so the normal will be true for me. I am not some above average lucky one of the species that will bounce back. I thought about getting a trainer for now and after. But I don't need someone to tell me what I already know and I have enough motivation do what I need to do. So, I exnayed that thought. Basically, I was just the grumpy version of Paula that comes out after she hasn't exercised to a certain level.
Today, I woke up feeling ok and I decided to go for a run. I set my goal of running around Science World and back along the Burrard street bridge. If I had to, I could exit at Cambie or Granville. So, off I went. I ran around Science World and had to pee. I stopped my RunPod and took a leak in the porta-potties for the dragon boaters. They were racing today. There were lots of them out there warming up.
I kept my pace slow and steady. I listened to Frank Ocean. I ran past the Cambie street stairs without even thinking about exiting and same with Granville island. (The children's festival is on) I continued on and up under the Burrard street bridge where all the children's festival guests were parking. I ran over the bridge on what I now realize is the wrong side. I think it is a bike only side now. I don't care - I want to get out on that side of the bridge to go home. I ran all the way to Choices - slow and easy. It was a good run. It wasn't fast but it was pretty long and comfortable.
Now, to try and make wise food choices - maybe I can be the skinny pregnant person that I want to be!! Yes - I know I am crazy and have a messed up mind but hey - I am normal - most people do!!