It was a smaller class today because of all of the shows going on. It was nice. We did the same warm up and didn't do across the floor. We did all choreography. I want to get my choreo more sharp - more with the music. The last 4 counts wouldn't stick in my brain in time with the music. Tricky arms and feet.
All in all good class and nice to be back. I have to dance more! I hope Keli and Twigg come and dance soon.
On my walk home from Harbour I was thinking about Heidi's birthday. I was thinking of what I wish I could text or tell my brother. It went something like this:
Sam your behaviour was very embarrassing last night. It would be to your benefit to go over some alternate reactions to that particular social situation. That situation will arise again and there are many other positive ways you could have dealt with it. You could have had a reaction that made you look smart, strong, and like a good dad. Instead you treated your mother in law like a dog, showed your children that hate is your response in a situation that made you uncomfortable, and that it is ok to throw a tantrum and run away for attention. You made Heidi's party your party and embarrassed your parents in front of a lot of people. Of course Sam wouldn't listen to any of this and I wouldn't tell him. Mom makes excuses and dad has never had authority over him. I wish he knew that he could still change and start making better choices that will make him a stronger person - mentally. It is ironic that he was acting just like the other people were acting. He basically just hates people who act like himself.
All in all good class and nice to be back. I have to dance more! I hope Keli and Twigg come and dance soon.
On my walk home from Harbour I was thinking about Heidi's birthday. I was thinking of what I wish I could text or tell my brother. It went something like this:
Sam your behaviour was very embarrassing last night. It would be to your benefit to go over some alternate reactions to that particular social situation. That situation will arise again and there are many other positive ways you could have dealt with it. You could have had a reaction that made you look smart, strong, and like a good dad. Instead you treated your mother in law like a dog, showed your children that hate is your response in a situation that made you uncomfortable, and that it is ok to throw a tantrum and run away for attention. You made Heidi's party your party and embarrassed your parents in front of a lot of people. Of course Sam wouldn't listen to any of this and I wouldn't tell him. Mom makes excuses and dad has never had authority over him. I wish he knew that he could still change and start making better choices that will make him a stronger person - mentally. It is ironic that he was acting just like the other people were acting. He basically just hates people who act like himself.
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