Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday 11:38- 12:38 Pregnancy Bikram

Jonny is at work today and I was cleaning for Annina. I made her a little bedroom in the living room. I learned you can't wash a big pillow and a comforter in the same load... washer over flowed. Oh well.. now the floor is clean too!

I was pooped after cleaning and didn't feel like yoging but then Carrie called and she is back from Paris and wanting to go to the beach.. .so that motivated to get my yoges done then I can reward myself with some Slurpee and beach time.

My left shoulder blade isn't hurting anymore. There is still something there but doesn't hurt.. so whatever. AND, my left side of my neck - which was hurting yesterday is better. I guess it is all working itself out. Now, please don't happen again.

The right diaphragm muscle spasmed when I was putting my head to my knee. Same spot it does once in a while. I stopped and stretched it out and it didn't happen the second time. Mind you, I didn't try and force it either. I just hung there and breathed.

Fold laundry and beach time! 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Run 4 Km, 22:56 Mins

Jonny and I did an evening sesh. I ran my pregnancy loop and Jonny skated Baby Spot. (His new skate spot by the stadium.)

Tomorrow when Jonny is at work I will try to run a little farther. Maybe I will run my old loop: Cambie - Burrard Street bridge loop. Ya!! 

Monday 4-5pm RnB Hip Hop - Stu

Jenny was supposed to come today... but she didn't :-( One of her students who graduated last year was working at the front desk. He just auditioned for Souljas. I hope he gets it.

Stu taught the same choreo as last week. I like that. It gives me a chance to work on style instead of just trying to memorize the moves. I am really enjoying his teaching style. He would be a great teacher to bring into school to choreograph. I am sad I am going to miss the next two weeks but I look forward to returning to his class.

Jonny went for a skate Baby Spot when I went to dance. He is going to get good! 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Run 4 km, 22:22 Mins

Jonny waxed and skated Baby Spot while I ran today. It made me run faster. Jonny looked really cute skating. We both had a nice morning because we were out doing something togetherish. Next time we are going to bring water and we are both going to do a round two!

At a Science World bench I saw an old bum guy gobbing onto the cement. I looked down and there was a huge pool of spit. I had to say ewww out loud. It just came out of my mouth. Gross!!

However, I miscalculated time. I was going to go to yoga at 10am but we got home at 9:55. No time to shower and get to Harbour. Oh well! I can do yoga on my own and I am going to swim with Belle today... so I will have some more exercise.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday 9-10am Pregnancy Bikram

I have a crick in my left shoulder wing. I was hoping the yoges would work it out but it didn't. It was super painful during eagle. I just breathed through it. I could also feel the crick during standing bow and was hoping that might have clicked it out... but no! 

Off to the doctor now to find out if I have a boy or girl!! SO EXCITED!! I woke up at 4:58 am!! 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday Run 4km, 23:11 Mins

It is nice and sunny today! I was thinking about Wilson during this run. I wrote back to her and who knows if I should have or not. I did. I do care. She is my friend even though we haven't been friends in years. I want her to be happy. I want her to be better. I don't want to say the wrong thing but I also don't want to not say anything. So, I spoke. I think I did ok.

I ran the same as yesterday it looks. I like this loop. I like getting the hill done at the beginning and not having to go up the stairs at the end. It also has more flow so if I wanted to keep going I could just keep running around the C wall and exit at my alley. Whereas, the other way around I come off the ramp and there is the side walk home... and that is where I am going after those stairs no matter what.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday 5:30-6:30 Street Jazz - JP

I did it! I did all the classes I said I was going to do. I have been to Harbour 5 times in the last 4 days. I rock!

JP was subbing for Jo. I got the combo.. by the end! hahaha...

There was a very annoying girl in the class. She was standing at the front left. She was dressed in a black bra and a stringy tank top so that all of her bra and anorexic chest bones showed. She head bobbed and talked too much. Do this, do that! Ugh! Wash off your make-up, put on some sweatpants, shut up and dance!

Anywho - class was good. It was nice to have JP twice this week. 

Tuesday Run 4 KM, 23:10 Mins

I had a new feeling today when I was running. I felt a little bit of a cramp but nothing sharp just dull and I could feel something. I made it through what I would now like to call my pregnancy loop - and when I stopped and walked I had a different new feeling. I wonder if it is one of those braxton hicks contraction things I have read about? Are my muscles tightening and practicing for the big show? Anywho, by the time I got back to my corner I didn't feel anything bad. I will keep my eye on that feeling and see if it happens again when I run.

My pregnancy loop is: Over Cambie, down the stairs, around Olympic Village and Science World and back to the C wall in front of my home... street. That is exactly 4km. I am going to make this my usual run. It is nice and short and easy. I will only do longer runs when I run with Carrie. (I think.. I could get bored of this loop)

Tuesday 9-10am Pregnancy Bikram

My phone vibrated while I was doing my yoges and I didn't check it until the end. I did something funny today. I did my yoga in my bra top and my underoos. I checked out my changing body in the mirror the whole time. I don't look that bad! Being half naked also made me focus on my posture and locking my knees more. You can't get away with anything if you can see it. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday 4-5pm RnB Hip Hop - Stu

Stu is a good teacher. He does arms and then feet and then both. He does repeat short sections - kinda like we do at my school. His style however is not what I am used to dancing and I need to go to his class more to get it down. He does a lot of sharp isolations. I can get them when we go slow and then I lose the shapes as we go faster. I have to repeat more and relax and try and go with the beat.

I will be back next week! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday 3:40-5:40 Hip Hop - JP

Wilson was leaving Grooving as I arrived. I showed her the bump. She looks so beautiful and fit. But - what else would one expect? It was good to see her but I forgot to tell her about Spiritulized and the Cali road trip. Those two things made me think about her a lot of the past little bit. Maybe I will see her again next week.

I enjoyed this class because it was a slower pace and not filled with all the cool kids - unlike Wednesday.

I stood at the front - which I never do - but no one was moving up and the class was full. So, I moved up. I still stood in the right corner.

I will go back next week. I am going to tell Keli and Twigg about this class. Maybe they will come with me. 

Sunday 10-11am Yoges- Derek

There were five people in class today. Jonny walked me to and from Harbour today. I love him. It was raining on our way back. No more skating for Jonny today. I miss Bali.

I had my eyes closed for the first part of class. It was very relaxing. Then I decided I better open them. Derek put in some new sequences. I am starting to understand the flow and order of his classes now. I like it.

Next for today... hip hop! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday 1-2:30 Jazz - Moe

Jonny and I walked to our Vietnamese place for lunch before class. I had twenty minutes to chill before going to class but I was trying to get out of going. My good husband wouldn't let me. He let me before and then I felt guilty. He knows how happy I am after.

I got lots of attention from Moe. I am the pregnant lady in class. After class Laura talked to me about how she danced right up until the end. She said she was also big from the start - so it seemed like she was pregnant forever.

Anywho- back to class. We did the same warm up. We did across the floor. And we did a short combo. I am glad we did ATF. It broke the time up nicely. I messed up on the first turn we did. I don't know what I was thinking - my brain just wouldn't let me turn the way I wanted to. It was an exercise that turned like a "Greek tablecloth." (Moe speak)

The jumps I focussed on the arms and just jumped low. My left ankle didn't feel that safe on the side jumps on the second side. I am just too heavy!! haha. (not funny!)

After class I got to see Cierra!! She looks beautiful and sounds like she is doing really well with school and work. She was always good like that. I think she would make an awesome babysitter... if she ever has time! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday 10:15- 11:15 Pregnancy Bikram

It is pouring rain today - so Carrie and I didn't do our run. We were going to do it when it was only raining lightly but when we were ready to go it was a downpour!

Oh well!! Next time.

I am making a new rule for myself for the next time I do my yoges. Hide your phone. Can you believe I  was texting in between sets? I guess that is something that you can't do in the studio so why not do it once? Not a good habit to get into though. I didn't have that problem when I was at school doing yoges - maybe because I was in a setting where I usually teach and I don't let things like that distract me. My bedroom is distracting! I have to say I was better focussed today - even with the texting - than yesterday though.

Ankle update: It is bending better in awkward. I didn't think I would ever get my bend back! I can feel it straining when I bend it. It tenses up the front of the shin. I am hoping with repetition and time it will get easier and more relaxed. I don't think it will ever be back to normal but I am pretty sure it will get better than it is now. Hard to believe that was a full 2 years ago now. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday Pregnancy Bikram

I did my Bikram after my run. I couldn't focus or stop fidgeting until triangle. During triangle I got into it and stopped being a dork. Before that I was hungry, wanted to stop, and even checked my phone. I wasn't holding anything ... I almost gave up. I am glad I finally got into it.

I like doing yoges after running because I can stretch out all of my muscles. Maybe I will have a better run tomorrow because of it. 

Thursday Run 4.7 Km, 28:02 Mins

Wow - was I walking or running today? My pace felt so slow. I struggled and even stopped to walk a couple of times. I even stopped my runpod to walk longer and resumed my work out. I am hoping today is just a tough day. I am hoping pregnancy isn't going to make me this sluggish so soon. I feel there are at least a couple of more months left in me. I am going to chalk this up to a bad day but an at least I did it day.

I walked down my alley and then ran to English Bay and back. (run/walk!)

Tomorrow I run with Carrie. I am meeting her just after 9 - I think I will conserve my energy and walk to our meeting spot so I have more energy to run with her. Ya... that is the plan!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday Run 3.9 Km - ? Mins - Azelia!

My nano stopped working. It wasn't out of juice it just stopped. I had to reset it. So, our run wasn't saved. We ran around Science World and back over the Cambie. I know that is 3.9 km. So... it still counts!

It was awesome to have a run and chat with Azelia. She looks beautiful and I think, even though she is finding this changing stage of life difficult she is smart and strong and soon it will be in the past and she will be happier than ever!

I hope the sun comes out cause Carrie, Azelia and I want to go swimming at KITS!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Run 6.2 Km, 37:02 Mins - Carrie!

Carrie came over today and we scouted out a route where we could run and meet each other. We ran across the Cambie street bridge. We are going to meet at the benches by the stairs when we meet coming from each of our houses. Today we continued on and ran back across the Burrard street bridge and then down those stairs and to the park. We walked back to my house from there. It was a longer run for me today and it was really hot out. I had to stop and walk a couple of times. Carrie just told me I could set the pace. I think we did pretty good though. I am happy running with my friend Carrie again. YAY!

After our run we went for sushi and then read at the beach! FUN! YAY!! Carrie is back!!! 

Tuesday 9:45 - 10:45am Pregnancy Bikram

I cleaned first so I was warm and ready to stretch. I used the Apple TV and the picture slide show came on so I kept looking at the pictures and losing focus. Jonny is so cute. We have done so many cool things together. I love us! 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Run 3.9 Km, 23:39 Mins.

After yoges I went for a quick run. I was feeling good during this run. I was running quite slow to start as I am getting bigger. my pace increased and I felt quicker and smoother just past Science World. I contemplated continuing on to G island but I decided to stick to my plan of a short run. A lot of short runs will add up in the end.

I set a new goal of running more kilometres. I have 4 weeks to run 80 km. That is 20 km a week or 4, 5km runs a week - I can do that!

I am looking forward to running with Carrie and figuring out a route with her from each of our houses. I still haven't seen her new place. I have to do that! I am so happy she is back!!!! YAY! 

Sunday 10-11am Yoges - Derrek

I am so big now! I haven't been to yoges in a couple of weeks but it felt good. I built up a little bit of a sweat - it was humid in the studio.

The class was more full than usual. I think there were ten of us this morning. That older asian lady that takes jazz was there and the other pregnant girl was there. She came up to me at the end of class, like I knew she would, and I was nice and talked baby with her for a bit. (even though I didn't want to - she doesn't know I don't want to.)

It was nice to be back at Harbour. The studio looked nice - all repainted for summer school. I am looking forward to going back for street jazz tomorrow and, or hip hop on Wednesday. It is good to be home. I like going away - makes me appreciate what I have at home. EVEN though... I would love to live in Venice Beach... maybe... I would love to live in Bali - but I would miss Harbour... and my FAMILY! and my awesome job! Sounds like I am stuck here till retirement. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Saturday, July 7 Run 5.0 Km, 28:31 Mins - Venice Beach

My favourite part about this run was when Jonny ran up to me and ran with me for a few seconds and then ran back. He had his skateboard. I thought he kissed me but he didn't. I just felt love. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Run 4.3 Km, 23:17 Mins - Salinas

We are at the Motel 6 in Salinas. California. I ran down the hotel road to the crop field and back up the other side of the street. That was just over 1 km so I ran that 4 times. It looks like I ran faster than normal today too. Maybe because it was such a consistent, flat surface with no wind or hills. It was cloudy but the sun is coming out now. I went for a dip in the pool afterwards. It was cold. I tried to make a whirlpool by myself swimming in a circle. I need Belle! Oh well, when I get home I will get to swim with Belle :-) We can do our sets. YAY!

I thought about garbage trucks and whether they are private or public in the states and how it works for businesses. Weird.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday Run 4 Km, 22:26 Mins - Florence

We are staying at the Lighthouse Inn in Florence. In their guest book they have run routes. I did a short one. I basically just ran the back road of the hotel that runs parallel the 101. I was trying to do the 3 miler they had laid out but I didn't make it to 29th street. So, I ran till my runpod said 2 Km and I ran back.

There was a really old man running on the other side of the street and he gave a friendly wave. I like that. No snobby Vancouver runners! hahaha.

Where will I be running next? (Probably a nice long beach!! LOVE!) 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday Pregnancy Bikrams - Cannon Beach

After my run I tried to do my yoges in the sand in public. I found it very odd to be doing this but I kept on. The sun was beautiful as was the view of the ocean. I kept my shoes on because I thought it would be gross to get all sandy and then try to put my running shoes back on.

Jonny sat on a log near by enjoying the beach.

I tried to stop at awkward asking Jonny about going. I felt awkward doing awkward in public. He asked me if I wanted him to make me finish. I said I didn't know. No. He said he had to finish his beer. So, I skipped the second awkward and eagle and finished the standing series - except for tree and then I stopped and we went back to the camp site to join Carrie and Christie.

My first public yoga experience wasn't so bad. I think if given enough space of people I will do it again. It was nice to do it right after running. 

Sunday Run 4.7 Km, 26:12 Mins - Cannon Beach

We are road tripping down the 101 right now. I got to run on Cannon Beach. It was beautiful and sunny. I felt very light as I ran to the left of the Haystack rock. I ran until I got to a river that was too deep to cross. When I turned around to run back I felt very heavy as the winds were blowing against me.

I was trying to go do 5 km. I was hoping I could run to the left till it said halfway - then I would have no problem with my urge to stop. It didn't work out that way. I had to run past where I came from and when I heard the last km I ran 100 steps more - to the kite that was threatening my path. I turned around and ran back to my start point but I was shy 300 metres. Oh well - I did good for a pregnant lady.