Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday 4:15 - 5:45 Bikram - Gabe

Jonny got home from work early today so I was able to go to the 4:15 yoges. There was space only in the front row. I haven't stood in the front row since the whole baby thing. I had a good class. I was really focussed. I wonder if I am more focussed because I don't have as much to think about and distract because I am not at work. Or, is it because I am so tired and I am just zoned out. Or, am I actually getting better at focussing?

I did the sit ups again today. I still can't do locust or floor bow but my time is coming. I did one front savasana but then returned to laying on my sides for the front ones. My chest is not ready yet.

I hope that everything worked out well today.

* I noticed in the shower that my c-section scar had a thicker part to a section of it. No more sit ups for me.

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