Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Run 8 Km, 41:01

This was an evening run. I felt like I was dragging my feet but it looks like I kept an ok pace... although I was a lot faster at the beginning.

I saw Katherine running the opposite way. I love watching her run. She is so natural and fast! I waved and smiled and she the same.

I prefer to run in the morning and get it over with.

I saw two old guys skating our morning spot.

Friday 12:00 - 1:30 Contemporary Jazz - Julio

I love this class. It was good to be back. I didn't do the splits on the left side - protect that hammy!

Julio did some crazy plank today: start on hands - elbow, elbow, hand, hand, hand out, other hand joins, lift hand and lower, and lift and lower other side.
My abs are so weak - I couldn't go either the speed he was going or as many. I look forward to getting more and more ab strength back. This would be a good one to put into my warm-up for next year.

Julio used one's of Jonny's favourite things to describe how not to do a move that he choreographed - those car sale arm dancing wind things. That made me think of Jonny and smile.

A quotation: "Follow your heart, not your ego... "
He said this when giving two different jump choices. I always have to remember to do this in this class!!

AND.. the choreo was fast, breathtaking and fun. I am sure I could look better if we did it next class too.

I saw Melissa as I was going into class. She was going to a Soul... something... rehearsal. (Next level up from Souljas) It was good to see her. Frank Hurt represent! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday 6:15 - 7:45 Bikram Cambie - Michelle

There was a lot of traffic on the Cambie bridge but I made it just in time. I got my new mat today. It seems shorter than my last one and it is definitely thinner. Which is good because it is lighter to carry. AND, it is blue. Way better than purple. AND... it isn't stinky! Probably the best quality.

I still took care of my left hamstring but it is doing much better. I think I will try going to jazz again tomorrow but no splits!

Michelle taught another stellar class. She gave everyone a lot of corrections and hints on how to do things better. She even said a quote by Mother Theresa at the end of the class. AND, we finished a little early to I could get home to my boys quick.

Jonny had dinner ready... he had gone grocery shopping and got veggies and fruits for the boy's food.. and peonies!!! LOVE!! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30 Hip Hop - JP

We were having a movie afternoon and it was a little difficult to get out and go move... but I am always glad that I did. I liked this little choreo. It wasn't too long and we had time to go back and clean some of it.

Wednesday Run 2.9 Km, 15:35 Mins

This was the first speed training day. It was raining and I didn't feel like running. The boys came with me and were going to skate but Jonny didn't want to get his grip tape wet. They came anyways and had a coffee while I ran. So, for that reason, and the rain... and I didn't feel like going, I made it a quick one. I could have added in a longer warm-up run and cool down run. Next Wednesday I will. The Cambie bridge worked well for the speed training. I ran as fast as I could and I was out of breath at the end. I had to walk and slow down my breathing. I looked like a nerd.. but it was kind of.. not fun.. but challenging. I really wanted to stop or slow down.. but I forced myself to keep running. It burned.

Anywho - short run... but not easy! Next week will be three bridges and hopefully it will be sunny and I will do a loop around Science World on the way there to add in some kilometres. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday Run 18 Km, 1 H 38 Mins

Woo hoo!! I did it. The race is only three more kilometres. I am going to do fine. I don't think I will make my desired goal of 1:45 but I will be in the 1:50's somewhere and that is cool.

Today I ran a different long route. I ran across the Cambie street bridge to Jherico beach and back. I stopped and walked every fifteen minutes. I looked forward to those walks and they refreshed me to keep my pace. There were no huge hills on this route like my Stanley Park route. This is part of the route that the race will be. I am going to run it again next week. Two more 18's, a 20, then 6... then race day! I can't wait to be done and scratch this goal off of my list!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Run 6.5 Km, 33:47 Mins

The boys went for a skate and I ran around Science world to the marina bridge and then back past the stairs to the dog park and then back to the stairs and over the Cambie street bridge. I thought that would be 7km but I was a half of km off.

My left hamstring felt like a there was a huge knot just bouncing along for the ride during the first km. It was better after I was warm. Maybe I should go to physio or massage and get it worked out. Just such a hassle!

Jonny and I remembered to bring water and that was so nice to have once I got back to my boys. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday 6:15 - 7:45 Bikram Cambie - Christine P

I haven't had Christine as a teacher in a long time. I wonder if she was away somewhere? She said something about this being her one hundredth class today... teaching? Or taking? I am not sure. She sure looks fit. She is always so happy and positive. I really enjoyed her class.

There were two guys in front of me. One was perfect and the made me try hard and the other was fidgety and made me try to focus hard.

My hamstring feels like there is a big knot in it. I massaged it before and after class along with my calves. I didn't do anything that hurt it but I did a lot better than my last class two Sundays ago. The break did me good. Now to continue not to push it.

I was able to do all of the sit ups again.

I am on the mend and happy. I am looking forward to this awesome summer with my happy family :-) 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30 Hip Hop - JP

Yay! Back to dance!! I could feel my hamstring tight and that leg walking different - shorter stride - on my way to dance. What a bummer. It is feeling better than it was... but I have to be careful. It is weak right now. I don't think it would be a good idea to go to jazz on Friday. I might take one more week off from that. I will see how it is in yoges tomorrow. (Where I will be careful!)

It seemed like the cool kids spread out and took some places at the back today. I was wondering if it was an experiment to try and get other people to stand at the front. Or maybe they just all came at different times. Anywho, I like watching those girls. That CJ girl.. added so much flavour into the piece we did. I wonder if she knew the piece already? It would be pretty awesome if she is capable of picking up choreo and adding all the extra in such a short time. I am going to set that as my own goal. Get down the choreo quick - focus - and then add the extras ... dance it!

Wednesday Run 8 Km, 41:08 Mins

This is my first run back since my long run. I took some time off to rest my injuries and relax with my family in Vegas!! Interestingly enough there were a lot of runners running the strip in Vegas in the morning. The Lulu Lemon store has a run group too... I took a picture:
Not that I like running with a group - but just interesting that there were so many runners in sincity. I thought it was all drunken debauchery but not so.... but a lot more than usual cities! 

My achilles tendon and knee do not hurt anymore. It is just my pesky left hamstring that is still recovering. I can feel my body protecting it through its tightness and lack of flexibility. 

My run felt good this morning. It was sunny when the Iphone predicted rain and it just felt good to go... and move and sweat. I am glad I had a break ... but I am even happier to be back at it. I appreciate being able to go. 

There was one granny running today with a shirt on that said, " I run for the WINE." Good for her! I also ran past another smiley girl twice. Another solo, strong, girl runner. I like that. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday 8-9:30 Bikram Cambie - Onkhar

I think this is the first time that I have had this teacher. His class had a relaxed and clam feeling. Even his clap to change postures was calm.

It is mother's day and Jonny took care of the boy so I could get up and go to yoges. I wasn't going to go because I was feeling spent. I didn't realize how much I have messed myself up the last couple of days until I tried to do things in this class. Now I am going to have to rest a bit and heal so I don't ruin this race!! I won't go into details now - it is basically my left leg. I didn't push it today in class and I gave that leg a rest. I massaged my calf before and after class. It is a good thing we are going to Vegas this week. I need a break!

I came home to beautiful flowers from the boy and from my hubby. I also had a beautiful breaky with cheese and crab!! YUM!!

Thanks my love.. you made my first mother's day the best ever!! 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday Run 16 Km, 1H 29 Mins

- slug
- fist pump
- toes hills
- faster? - nope!
- boys with no shirts racing
- left achilles, left inside of knee, left hamstring.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday 12 - 1:30 Contemporary Jazz - Julio

I love this class. It is my new favourite. We had a quick warm-up today and then we went straight to choreography. We did the same routine as last week which was nice because it filled my brain last week and this week I got a chance to dance and not just be thinking and trying to keep up. 

Friday Run 8 Km, 42:27 Mins

I ran across the Cambie bridge, down the stairs, and under the Burrard bridge to the marina and back. I saw a Canadian Goose family. There was an old guy taking a photo and they posed very nicely for him. I also got a big smile and nod from another old guy with a cane and a hat doing his morning exercise. I made sure to give a big smile on the way back.

The sun was gorgeous today. I can feel it in my skin. Love it! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday 5:30-6:30 Hip Hop - JP

I was looking for the video to put here but I can't figure out what song it is. I thought it was Janet Jackson... da da - da da da da da daaaaa - da da - da da da da da daaaa - da da - da da da da da daaaa- all night with you... I think?!

Anywho - fun class. I felt like I did better this class than the last two... so that makes me happy. 

Wednesday Run 5 Km, 26:55 Mins

Jonny and the boy went skating when I went for my run so I used the Cambie bridge pedestrian ramp as my hill today. I ran around Science world and over the bridge as a warm up and then up and down the ramp seven times. It was a lot easier than the Broughton hill. I will have to run that one next time. It was a nice change and I had a nice view of Jonny skating! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 Bikram Cambie - Danny

What was I going to remember to write about this class? I am finally feeling rehydrated and like the heat isn't an issue. I am still doing all the sit ups. I am still having problems with toe stand and floor bow. I only had one good standing head to knee this time. 

I thought about Jonny holding the boy and had a cheesey feeling. 

Good class. Now onto dinner!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Run 8km, 41:40 Mins

I wore my running shorts that wore when I was pregnant and they do not work for me anymore. Garbage!

I felt tired and slow today - I thought I dragged the last three kilometres but it looks like I was running pretty much the same speed. When I saw the Cambie stairs I really wanted to short cut it home - but I kept on trucking. This is the first week of doing 8kms - so I will get used to it. Soon it will seem easy!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday 12-1:30 Bikram Cambie - Michelle

During the breathing exercise there was someone whistling as they exhaled. I don't know who but it was funny. Michelle then explained what it should sound like and how it shouldn't sound like a whistle and then we did the second set. It helped for the first couple but then the person started whistling again. Maybe they couldn't help it? Maybe they were messing with Michelle? Wouldn't it be funny if someone came in and just messed with the teacher... not really... but it might be a little funny.

I had a good class today. YAY! I was worried after Thursday's super draining, hot class. But, I am back! I did good. I did the sit ups again too. I am still having problems with toe stand and floor bow.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Run 16 km, 1H 28 Mins

Today is a gorgeous sunny day. Sixteen kilometres is the distance that is scheduled to run. I didn't add on another two kilometres like I have been. I am going to run the long runs on the schedule now. I am still going to run more during the week - eight kilometres this month and then back down to seven next month.

I ran into some wildlife on my run today. Before I did I had imagined my response to running into something wild. I imagined kicking, punching and running away. Then I imagined me trying to do that to a huge bear and decided playing dead might be better.. or just running and screaming!! However, even though I was prepared in my mind for an attack all I ran across were a racoon, a Canadian goose, and a slug. I don't think there is much to worry about in Stanley park. The people in the park are probably more dangerous than the animals.

I ran the same route and distance as last week and in the same time. I love the Smashing Pumpkins part of my run where I am zooming down the hill. (That I worked so hard to run up!!)

K... back to my family!! 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday 12 - 1:30 Contemporary Jazz - Julio

We started the warm-up ATF which made me wonder if I was walking into the wrong class. It was a nice change. Then we went to the centre and did a more warm-up.

We took 50 minutes to learn the choreo. My brain was so full by the end. FOCUS! There was a challenging floor butterfly roll jump - where  my sweaty knees made me slide instead of look like a nice butterfly. I got it.. but I don't think I could have done it by myself. It wasn't all in my head quick enough and I had to cheat a bit and look at people. There was so much of it. It was a nice challenge.

I look forward to next week. 

Friday Run 7.8 Km, 41:20 Mins

I used my arm band so it took me some time in the beginning to put it on which makes my pace appear a little slower. I also had to stop and fix it after the Burrard bridge because I had somehow paused it while trying to make the music louder. So, even though it says 7.8 km - I ran more than that because the run had pause for some of the bridge. Whatever -technology.

I still felt dehydrated from yoges last night. I had such a good run Saturday - I long for that feeling again. Maybe tomorrow I will have another good long run.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday 4:15 - 5:45 Bikram Cambie - Michelle

Well, that class was a hot one. I wanted to run away and jump in a pool of gatorade. I made it.

I did the sit ups!! Fingers crossed it isn't too early to be doing them still. It didn't hurt.

I had an awesome standing head to knee on both sides.

I lost it at around triangle but did everything up until floor bow.... and I missed camel... I just was too hot. I think I did everything else. I told myself to finish strong. I gulped down a whole water bottle in the change room... and I sat down.. which I never do. But.. I am home now!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday 5:30- 6:30 Hip Hop - JP

I saw Simone on the way in. She is going to take Moses' class at 8:15. She was there early to go over choreography... I forgot to ask when she was going back to the Yukon. I was in a rush because I was a few minutes late... because I ran into a girl from yoga on the way to Harbour. Simone had just gotten her hair done too.

Anywho - class was full and good. We did this reggae song. Quite a different vibe for JP. It was a good class. I wonder if he will teach this one again next week and add onto it? 

Wednesday Run 6.5 Km, 40:26

Hill training today. I ran Broughton Hill seven times. Now that I look back at the run schedule I was only supposed to run six. Oh well! One extra won't hurt.

It is a beautiful day. Hopefully the boy's cough will be gone soon so we can get outside and enjoy it more!!