Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Patrick

I was struggling with little things today. For instance, I somehow hit my eye with my gym bag, I dropped my keys, and I forgot to put my juice in the cup holder in the car. Little things that are usually natural and easy were just frustrating and annoying. I don't know why. Maybe I am tired. I don't feel tired now. I was pretty groggy this morning before yoga.

Another thing that annoyed me was the guy next to me who was making exertion noises because he was trying so hard. He made them the whole second half of the class. It was gross. I wanted so badly to mock him. I did… but not that loud… I did wondering if it helped and I did do a better floor bow than usual. But come on… gross. Bikram would say he should save those noises for the bedroom. NTS - do not do yoga next to this person ever again. I know I was easily annoyed today… but I even chose a spot in the corner away from as many people as I could.

Anywho… I had an ok class. The heat was not as bad as the last two times. I was looking forward to having an awesome class like I did last time Patrick was the teacher… but it was just ok.

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