Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Tierny

Yesterday Onkar did not show up yesterday so I got to school really early. Tierny was here today though. The heat was not too hot. The two classes after mine were cancelled for maintenance which I'm assuming means the heater - so tomorrow might he toasty.

My mind was on school the whole class - what a week. Is it always like this? I can't wait to get it under control.

Anywho - good class. Tierney needs a sound, like a clap or a word, like change so that people no when to change position. I think I'ge said that before. She leads a very calm class and does not wear the headset.

Anywho - done done done! I hope I can go tomorrow - let's see how much work I get done today.

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