The tall girl from New Zeland was in class today. I like having her in class - cause she is taller than me and she is smiley - it is nice to dance with people my size!! hehehe!
I had a nap before class and grabbed pizza on the way to class - that didn't make my tummy feel too good.. not going to do that again!! Grab the pizza after class!!!
It was a nice routine today - I picked it up a lot easier than the last one. It fit my body good.
My right hamstring has been achey for the last few days. It hurt on the drive home. It hurt doing jetes. I hope it stops hurting and gets better soon!! I am sick of waiting. I wish I hadn't hurt it again.. it was so good.. but I have to think.. if it got good then.. it will be good again.. if I keep trying!!
I am stoked on this week because I can go to classes that I don't usually get to go to.. because I get to leave right after work. (That is how I scored the nap today!)
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