I missed the first class which was Street - with Gus
Hip Hop - Luther
Breakdance - BBoy Wickett / Hip Hop - Gus
Teacher's class - chat with Keeley
Locking -Keeley
Hip Hop - Twitch
WHOA!!! BUSAAY!!! I didn't feel as sore as I thought I would today. I am actually feeling pretty good. The whole weekend was pretty damn awesome. I love the way Luther teaches. The dances really get in my head. The great thing is he did the same dance twice and added onto it today. It is in my head! (the song was GET IT IN...??hahaha!!) The dance is in! I am going to teach this dance next week... um.. at school .. just for first week fun!
Gus is awesome - I also like the way he teaches - different than Luther but still easy to follow and understand. He has some cool style.
Keeley was inspiring.. I don't want to get into it.. but freestyling will be a part of my classes. She is too goddy though.. even though she was trying not to be. But her idea that Freestylling as an anology for life.. is awesome.. get in the circle.. don't be afraid of what people might think... (She married a Fijian.. against what her parents and church thought.. and said it was a blessing from God.. you shouldn't care what your family thinks.. you have to listen to your heart... hmmmm weird... I guess her brother isn't Sam Johnson!)
Twitch was awesome as usual.. bigger than life.. lots of energy and a fun not too hard routine.. that just felt fun ...
K... find food... soon.. and SLEEP!!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday 9km - LSD - Week 5!!!
My name is Shruggy!! Get out of my way!
9.7 km52:36 mins
5'24'' min/km
730 cal
This is the first time that I have done a long run with the running club. I drove down and for some reason was really early so I decided to drive around Stanley Park. It is pretty. I wish I could bring Belle back there sometime. Hang out with her and Laya in my town. Maybe one day. Anywho, I got back to the Running Room and there is parking underneath but it was all full. So, I found a nice spot by the 711 and I walked back.
I ran with the 1:45 group. It was a nice easy pace and I booted it at the end... just because the boys did. We ran down Alberni to the lagoon and around - through to the C wall by the pool and along the C wall to the Burrard Street bridge - across the bridge and at the other end we turned around and went back except this time we took the side walk back to Chilco and back to the Running Room.
It didn't rain!
Now, the rules for running with the group are you must run in twos and single file across bridges. So, we started out and naturally the cute boy is beside me. (Well cutest boy in run club - he is not gay... ) Then there is this hunched over girl with the worse running style all slopping up beside me, all in my space and annoying making me a piggy in the middle. For one thing, I am not that fond of being in a group and running. I like to have some space around me. For another, I like to stick to the rules. There is a teacher in me that wanted to tell her that we are supposed to be in pairs. Instead, I fell back and let her have the cute boy - although I don't think she even noticed him. She was too busy staring at the ground and huffing and puffing.
I took the rear. We are the smallest group, maybe 12 or 15 people. The back is great. I can't get lost and I can watch everyone. I have space around me and I can listen to my music and smile at passing runners and play my nod game.
We do the run 10 minutes and walk 1 minute. I don't like stopping but I stop and walk. We don't walk as fast as I thought we were supposed to.. but I guess I read it wrong. We totally chill walked. So, I stayed at the back of the pack until we were going back across the Burrard Street Bridge. Shruggy had to stop and tie her shoe and I wasn't going to wait for her just to keep my spot. I kept running and eventually she caught up and started to come beside me... We are on a bridge... do you remember the rules? NO! I said nicely we are supposed to be single file on bridges, you may go ahead of me if you like - I don't like you on my ass. hahaha! and I let her shuffle ahead and I just adjusted my pace to give me.. her some space. Once we got to Chilco we spread out and I sped up with the boys and left shruggy in my dust.
It was good to watch from the back. Shruggy kept getting in everyone's space and moving them.. then she would slow down.. and fall back.. then speed up and .. she never really had a spot.. just kept stealing other people's. She was really annoying and I don't think she should be in our group. I am so mean! .. but come on!! Pick a place and stay there and keep out of other people's space... so budgey!
I enjoyed my run. I failed at not listening to my music and trying to socialize. I guess I am just a loner. I kept thinking of excuses too - like I probably wouldn't be able to hear what they are saying anyways and I would just be uncomfortable nodding and smiling... so why not enjoy the run and listen to music... and maybe chat another time?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday - Street Groove
Hip Hop - Luther
House - Alex
Teacher Class - Gus
Hip Hop - Gus
Old Skool - Keeley
Hip Hop - Twitch - left - didn't take this class.
Wow - I did it!! One more day. I don't really feel like writing about it right now. I may write later... check back if you care!
Hip Hop - Luther
House - Alex
Teacher Class - Gus
Hip Hop - Gus
Old Skool - Keeley
Hip Hop - Twitch - left - didn't take this class.
Wow - I did it!! One more day. I don't really feel like writing about it right now. I may write later... check back if you care!
Saturday - 8km Slow - week 4
8.02 km
42:45 mins
5'20'' min/km
602 cals
I ran Wednesday's and today's run in one. That isn't smart - but at least I got he kms in. I ran across the Cambie street bridge along the Granville Island side C wall and back across the Burrard Street Bridge. I cut in at my C wall for a bit just to get the last couple of kms. It was raining!!! and cold :(
I came home and had a hot shower.. and was all itchy.. cause I was so cold!! OK - now off to Street Groove!! (3 Hip Hop Classes, 1 Old Skool, and 1 House... I can do it!!)
42:45 mins
5'20'' min/km
602 cals
I ran Wednesday's and today's run in one. That isn't smart - but at least I got he kms in. I ran across the Cambie street bridge along the Granville Island side C wall and back across the Burrard Street Bridge. I cut in at my C wall for a bit just to get the last couple of kms. It was raining!!! and cold :(
I came home and had a hot shower.. and was all itchy.. cause I was so cold!! OK - now off to Street Groove!! (3 Hip Hop Classes, 1 Old Skool, and 1 House... I can do it!!)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday 4pm Hot - Verena - HOT!!!
I knew as soon as I walked in the room to lay down my mat that it was going to be a tough class. I went to the change room and got organized and then went back in. I set up my towel, fixed my pony tail and laid down. Sweat. Breathing in hot air. Sweat. I can do this.
Verena is awesome. She told me she likes it when I am in class cause I always smile. She is pretty cool herself. She must study new things all the time because she is always teaching me something new. I like that. She is young too!
It was really hot. I had to sit out some sets. I was hot and dizzy. I wasn't the only one. It was really hot in there. The heat was challenging me but I kept smiling through the dizziness. As I write this I am still red -I am supposed to go for my run - I am going to eat and digest and turn white before I go. OR.. of I change my mind.. I will combine the 2 tomorrow morning before I go dance.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Thursday 3km Tempo - Running Clinic - week 4
3.39 km
16:27 mins
4'51'' min/km
255 cal
My stomach was upset before I left so I decided to drive just in case I needed to get home quick. I survived. It was an easy 3km. We ran down Alberni to Chilco and across to the C wall by Davie ... to the lit up tree by my last home - the Beach Towers - and back.
We had a talk about stretching before our run today.
16:27 mins
4'51'' min/km
255 cal
My stomach was upset before I left so I decided to drive just in case I needed to get home quick. I survived. It was an easy 3km. We ran down Alberni to Chilco and across to the C wall by Davie ... to the lit up tree by my last home - the Beach Towers - and back.
We had a talk about stretching before our run today.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tuesday 3km Tempo - week 4
3.59 km
17:09 mins
4'46'' min/km
269 cal
I got up and ran right away - I like get up and go runs. It is a nice day with the sunny suns.. and crisp niceness.. mmmm. I remembered that I wanted to run the other direction. I headed out that way and I ran around the water by Science world. I felt like I wanted to keep going and run past the Olympic Village and then back across the Cambie but it was all closed off.. so I headed back. I ran a half km farther than I had to. If the C wall was open all the way around I would have liked running that way - but it wasn't. I like the other way better. I know a run I haven't done in a while is the bridge run. Maybe I will do that one tomorrow morning. I wanna do my run before I go to school because we are going to see AVATAR at 3:30!! YAY!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday 12 Ballet with Danielle :)
Wow - I haven't been to ballet in a long time. I love Danielle. My brain worked in class. My attitude didn't. I wish I could bend to the back with my leg up at the back.. but I am not flexi there or in my hips.. so sad! Oh well.. it was a fun class and I will feel it all tomorrow! I need to go to ballet more often!!
The girl with the purple and pink in her hair from Moe's classes was there.. and the boy.. and the little Asian woman.. that has been there.. since forever.. who used to go to Bikram's too.. and the older lady with the long pony tail.. and the tall skinny old lady.. the regs... It was nice to be back!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sunday 12.17 km Steady - week 4
I missed my run yesterday. Today I was supposed to run with the run club - but I slept in.. and got some breakfast .. then rested/ digested... and then went for my run. I partied Friday night.. and then had a few beers and chinese food Saturday - I went to bed early.. but I wasn't feeling so great first thing in the morning.. I prolonged the hangover.. but I pretty much managed to sleep through it. YAY!
I added yesterday's 3km to today's 7km - but I kept running for 12 km. I ran down to the c wall by the Aquatic centre - ran all the way around.. I stopped at every fountain!! Dehydrated!! I ran slow and steady - I didn't stop and walk. I crossed over at the totems and got to the fountain at the end by the underpass and it was broken!! I was so thirsty... and I still had to walk all the way home. I was soooo cold!!!! But.. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and I dreamed of Gatorade!! mmmm..
I had a hot shower.. and stood under the water forever.. to get warm.. dried my hair with the hair dryer and went back outside and got two slices of za and a Dr. P! I sat in the park and ate it.. it was pleasant. I had a good day! AND.. I have tomorrow off!! YAY!!
I added yesterday's 3km to today's 7km - but I kept running for 12 km. I ran down to the c wall by the Aquatic centre - ran all the way around.. I stopped at every fountain!! Dehydrated!! I ran slow and steady - I didn't stop and walk. I crossed over at the totems and got to the fountain at the end by the underpass and it was broken!! I was so thirsty... and I still had to walk all the way home. I was soooo cold!!!! But.. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and I dreamed of Gatorade!! mmmm..
I had a hot shower.. and stood under the water forever.. to get warm.. dried my hair with the hair dryer and went back outside and got two slices of za and a Dr. P! I sat in the park and ate it.. it was pleasant. I had a good day! AND.. I have tomorrow off!! YAY!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thursday 5km Tempo - week 3 - First day with run club
5.13 km
25:23 min
4'55'' min/km
386 cal
I walked down Richards then Georgia to the running room. I love walking and listening to music. Our city is looking good all olympicky and shiny. I was warm when I got to the running room. I am not going to wear my puffy next time. It is time to switch back to my black and yellow hoodie. I had my running stuff under my sweatpants - so I changed my shoes and piled my stuff with the rest of the back packs.
We had a talk first about shoes. I need to get a new pair and start alternating. He kept repeating - if the shoes are working for you then don't change to try and get something else.
It took us all a while to get outside. But once we got out we broke into pace groups. I was going to go with the 2 hour but I ended up with the 1:45. We ran along the C wall and it was dark. I got around the light house and then I stopped and because I couldn't see the crew ahead of me.. there was one guy behind me - gay? I don't know.. and he was just following me.. hahah! So, we turned in and cut through were the totems are and headed back. We ended up running 5.13 km.. instead of 4... and we were about the 6th or 7th people back. I am going to actually read the race route next time.. but I think it will be easier in the light!
After the run.. I stretched and went inside to change. Then I walked home. I didn't talk too much.. maybe a couple of jokes... but I am sure that will change Sunday when we run slower. There are a lot of girls in the group... didn't see any hot guys... oh well!! Maybe I will get a couple of new girl friends out of the deal... ?? maybe??
25:23 min
4'55'' min/km
386 cal
I walked down Richards then Georgia to the running room. I love walking and listening to music. Our city is looking good all olympicky and shiny. I was warm when I got to the running room. I am not going to wear my puffy next time. It is time to switch back to my black and yellow hoodie. I had my running stuff under my sweatpants - so I changed my shoes and piled my stuff with the rest of the back packs.
We had a talk first about shoes. I need to get a new pair and start alternating. He kept repeating - if the shoes are working for you then don't change to try and get something else.
It took us all a while to get outside. But once we got out we broke into pace groups. I was going to go with the 2 hour but I ended up with the 1:45. We ran along the C wall and it was dark. I got around the light house and then I stopped and because I couldn't see the crew ahead of me.. there was one guy behind me - gay? I don't know.. and he was just following me.. hahah! So, we turned in and cut through were the totems are and headed back. We ended up running 5.13 km.. instead of 4... and we were about the 6th or 7th people back. I am going to actually read the race route next time.. but I think it will be easier in the light!
After the run.. I stretched and went inside to change. Then I walked home. I didn't talk too much.. maybe a couple of jokes... but I am sure that will change Sunday when we run slower. There are a lot of girls in the group... didn't see any hot guys... oh well!! Maybe I will get a couple of new girl friends out of the deal... ?? maybe??
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wednesday 3km Tempo - week 3 - 2:45min to get home!! GRR!
3.01 km
14.26 min
4'46'' min/km
227 cal
So - it took me 2:45mins to get home. I don't wanna talk about it. Missed Flow... grrrr!!!
I tried to run fast. I didn't want to run. I wanted to have a beer to cool my steam. I threw on my gear and headed out anyways. I listened to the new Fashawn album.. well the first few songs. There was one song with an angry teacher.. hahaa.. he was a man.. but I think we could use it for our teacher dance. I thought more about our teacher dance and I know that this is where I will make my mark. I don't get on well at those meetings but if I can get these teachers together to do something so awesome.. that the kids will love.. and remember.. I will go down in history!! Dance teacher history anyways!!
Back to the run. I wanted to stop. I went the same ol' way.. I didn't remember till I was already running that I was going to go the other way today... oh well.. Saturday. Anywho, I wanted to stop and I didn't. I didn't want to run and I did. Now I am done.. I am home.. I am going to make.. something to eat.. and go to sleep.. and I am not looking forward to getting back into my truck.. but in ten hours I will be headed back. SICKENING!
I am taking Monday off for sure. Totally decided!!! I will try to get that old dance teacher in that started my program... she will have fun with the kids...
Hey!! Here is the new NAS mix I made for my boys class next semester.. a NAS dance:
Boys NAS
or just listen and trip out on the colours!
14.26 min
4'46'' min/km
227 cal
So - it took me 2:45mins to get home. I don't wanna talk about it. Missed Flow... grrrr!!!
I tried to run fast. I didn't want to run. I wanted to have a beer to cool my steam. I threw on my gear and headed out anyways. I listened to the new Fashawn album.. well the first few songs. There was one song with an angry teacher.. hahaa.. he was a man.. but I think we could use it for our teacher dance. I thought more about our teacher dance and I know that this is where I will make my mark. I don't get on well at those meetings but if I can get these teachers together to do something so awesome.. that the kids will love.. and remember.. I will go down in history!! Dance teacher history anyways!!
Back to the run. I wanted to stop. I went the same ol' way.. I didn't remember till I was already running that I was going to go the other way today... oh well.. Saturday. Anywho, I wanted to stop and I didn't. I didn't want to run and I did. Now I am done.. I am home.. I am going to make.. something to eat.. and go to sleep.. and I am not looking forward to getting back into my truck.. but in ten hours I will be headed back. SICKENING!
I am taking Monday off for sure. Totally decided!!! I will try to get that old dance teacher in that started my program... she will have fun with the kids...
Hey!! Here is the new NAS mix I made for my boys class next semester.. a NAS dance:
Boys NAS
or just listen and trip out on the colours!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tuesday 4pm Hot with Katherine - Don't let your mind let you quit too early
Which would you choose?
bug in my shoe
yellow is see through
Jason Ellis to help me through - get him on my side.. a proposal
Belle Breathing only worked 20% of the time
I am obsessed
Embarrassing - nipples
You can pull it off
Toes - bug in my shoe - from Bali? ewww!! Gross!! Get off me!!
Bug in the hall curled in a dead ball
My armpits are fat - they are huge!
Katherine races an 8km and wanted to quit at 6km - relax second wind
Don't let your mind quit too early - it is after the struggle where you make improvements
I hope my arms don't get any bigger
I would make an ugly pregnant person
maybe it's the pasta
maybe it's the beer
maybe it's eating out
What if I didn't do all the exercise that I do?
surfing - beach -
Adam.. just cause he was sad
I hope the blue one isn't see through
Wash it and iron it and give it back to mom.. both of the yellow ones.. I like yellow though
Tuesday 4km Tempo - home early bc of spare :) - week 3
4.03 km
4'47'' min/km
302 cal
I didn't think of it until the very end of block C that I had my spare last block and another teacher watching dance team after school. What a treat. I raced home and did my run and I still have 45mins before the 4pm yoges!!
Let me tell ya about my run. I walked to the end of my alley and then I started running. I did my usual 4km route. I think I will change it up next time. I tried to run fast but I felt sluggish and I definitely slowed down towards the end. It was windy too - running back towards Yaletown.
I was going to wear my new Adidas pants that are really soft. I tried them on and they were a bit short.. and they felt like a yucky fit.. not too attractive. So.. I took them off and I put on the ones that go to my knee and they are hot! yay! I am going to take the other pair back and get another pair of those ones.. maybe in navy blue... ya!
I thought a lot about my body when I was running. I can't believe it got this fat.. when did it get like this? How did I let it happen. I know.. shut up.. and I am happy.. there is always someone worse off than yourself.. and I am so lucky to be healthy and happy.. but I can be better.. and I want to be super fit for summer!! I want to be able to surf and run around half naked without worrying about my tummy jiggling! At least it is winter still I can cover up my gut and back fat with my running jacket or a hoodie! Wait.. here I go.. off to yoga.. I won't be covered up now!! My goal for this yoga class.. every time fat thoughts come in my head.. imagine Belle and how you don't want her to ever end up thinking like you.. imagine Belle then think about breathing. Belle Breathing. ok.. goal set!!
4'47'' min/km
302 cal
I didn't think of it until the very end of block C that I had my spare last block and another teacher watching dance team after school. What a treat. I raced home and did my run and I still have 45mins before the 4pm yoges!!
Let me tell ya about my run. I walked to the end of my alley and then I started running. I did my usual 4km route. I think I will change it up next time. I tried to run fast but I felt sluggish and I definitely slowed down towards the end. It was windy too - running back towards Yaletown.
I was going to wear my new Adidas pants that are really soft. I tried them on and they were a bit short.. and they felt like a yucky fit.. not too attractive. So.. I took them off and I put on the ones that go to my knee and they are hot! yay! I am going to take the other pair back and get another pair of those ones.. maybe in navy blue... ya!
I thought a lot about my body when I was running. I can't believe it got this fat.. when did it get like this? How did I let it happen. I know.. shut up.. and I am happy.. there is always someone worse off than yourself.. and I am so lucky to be healthy and happy.. but I can be better.. and I want to be super fit for summer!! I want to be able to surf and run around half naked without worrying about my tummy jiggling! At least it is winter still I can cover up my gut and back fat with my running jacket or a hoodie! Wait.. here I go.. off to yoga.. I won't be covered up now!! My goal for this yoga class.. every time fat thoughts come in my head.. imagine Belle and how you don't want her to ever end up thinking like you.. imagine Belle then think about breathing. Belle Breathing. ok.. goal set!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday 6pm Jazz with MOE!! YAY- I went!! Almost stayed home...
I went to dance!! I went to dance!! I went to dance!! I knew once I got there I would be fine and now I have proven it again... just get your but there and the rest will take care of itself! I had a fun class with fun across the floor.
I was chatting with the little girl - woman - with long brown hair.. before class. I gotta learn her name. I couldn't hear all that she was saying to me.. Olympics choosing the warmest city - Cypress closed.. saving snow for the games. Running - then another girl.. the tall one.. LEAH? not sure.. she ran the half last year and is going to do it again this year.. so that is cool! Everyone is doing it!
Next week I wanna wear smaller clothes cause I was feeling fat in my big green shirt and huge sweatpants... and.. I am not... that fat!! I need to feel good.. so next week.. tank top.. and cut off sweatpants!! SEXY!!
OK.. peanut butter sandwich with mom bun and BED!! YAY!!
I was chatting with the little girl - woman - with long brown hair.. before class. I gotta learn her name. I couldn't hear all that she was saying to me.. Olympics choosing the warmest city - Cypress closed.. saving snow for the games. Running - then another girl.. the tall one.. LEAH? not sure.. she ran the half last year and is going to do it again this year.. so that is cool! Everyone is doing it!
Next week I wanna wear smaller clothes cause I was feeling fat in my big green shirt and huge sweatpants... and.. I am not... that fat!! I need to feel good.. so next week.. tank top.. and cut off sweatpants!! SEXY!!
OK.. peanut butter sandwich with mom bun and BED!! YAY!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Chilly Chase - Sunday Langley with Carrie - 10km - week 3
ran 10.48 km on 17/1/2010 at 9:02 AM with a pace of 5'01"/km
Nike +
I will fill in later.. tired.. might nap.. just a little :)
OK - I had a nap. I wasn't going to have a nap but after driving home.. I was just so tired.. I couldn't function.. so I crawled under the covers in my jeans and laid my head down and I was out. Good thing too cause I was cranky! Now I feel happy - I am sure I will be able to sleep tonight - if not, I will just curl up and rest and watch movies until I do!
OK - let's chat about the run! Carrie and I had an awesome night sleep. She made me a little bed in the guest room and it was really cozy! Thanks Carrie! We went to bed around 10pm and woke up at 7am. Carrie walked Lucky and we chatted and watched TV until about 8:10 when we decided it was time to get ready to go. We got all dressed up in our running outfits, pinned on our numbers and I zapped my time chip on my shoe - Carrie did hers the night before. Carrie drove Lucky to her parents where we got disheveled Dave to take our pre-run picture and then we were off to LSS to find parking.
We walked over to the starting area and found Julie and oh no... um.. oh no.. Carrie who was the other girl??? Anywho.. we found two other girls and we waited for the race to start. Carrie and I got our Nike Pluses ready to go - press the center button.. press the center button.. I will Lance!!! Aerobic lady on red bull was trying to warm up the runners that just wanted to run.. countdown.. 10... 9..... 3...2...1... - and Carrie .. I am just going to chill.... I bolted out of the start line and found my spot so I wasn't clumped.. Carrie didn't follow my lead.. but I knew she wasn't far behind.
I tried to tell myself to slow down because I want to run the whole way - but I went fast until about 8km - according to my Nike +. I was running at a pace under 5min/km and as fast at 4'34''. Wow - I was crusing!
There were two little hills in the first leg of the run. I remembered to pump my arms and on the way down not to increase my stride too much. Other techniques I used were shaking my hands and shrugging my shoulders at every km marker to keep relaxed. I thought about my posture a couple of times as well.
I tried to keep smiling and happy. I smiled and clapped for the people who were standing on the sides cheering us on and I also smiled at the people passing me - but not many people were smiling. They had their game faces on.
I had my 7km 10 in 1 on so at the 20 minute mark I walked for a minute.. which was nice because it let me get out of the crowd and have my own space. It was exciting to run with that many people but I found it hard to zone out and into my music with all the huslte and bustle around me. I had to keep reminding myself to listen to me and run for me.. don't let your ego make you run faster because you won't last.
Anywho - I made it - but the last two km were weak and I didn't have any soreness like Carrie. I finished at 51:55 and Carrie finished at 1:01!! YAY US!!!
Ema I thought of you and your kids on the run.. I wished you were there with us.... you will be soon!! OK.. back to Youtubing videos for the kids!!
I came in 59th!
Paula Johnson 4505
59 51:53.9 30-39
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Saturday 3km Steady - end of week 2
15:21 mins
5'02'' min/km
228 cal
I stretched my ankle in the kitchen. The part that is clicking is if you put your feet together and bend your knees and lean forward - front left side of ankle. I stretched it that way a couple of times, rotated and calf stretched pressing against the counter. Then, I walked down my alley and it worked itself out. I ran no problem and it was so nice and crisp and sunny!! YAY!! I love my city! It was so beautiful.. the sun and the ocean and the boats and the people with dogs.. and the old people walking... What a nice morning!! I guess if I had walked the other direction from my home I would have seen the bums, the crack heads and the drunnk party people shaded up and struggling out of hidden after hours... but everything always seems better near the water. WAIT.. hahaha.. that reminds me of Bali.. I was running in the morning.. and there were drunk Australians.. still awake.. on the beach.. making a finish line for the runners.. somehow I avoided them.. but this one girl got heckled... sounds like something Sam would do.
OK.. I am going to make breaky and get ready to go to the competition. It is so nice not having to be there until 11:00. I bet it is because there is no reason for me to be there early because they didn't give me a job! I am so done with them! I was thinking in the shower though.. I still want to do a teacher dance at Outbreak - and have kids that match us play us.. and we can be the students.. haha!!
15:21 mins
5'02'' min/km
228 cal
I stretched my ankle in the kitchen. The part that is clicking is if you put your feet together and bend your knees and lean forward - front left side of ankle. I stretched it that way a couple of times, rotated and calf stretched pressing against the counter. Then, I walked down my alley and it worked itself out. I ran no problem and it was so nice and crisp and sunny!! YAY!! I love my city! It was so beautiful.. the sun and the ocean and the boats and the people with dogs.. and the old people walking... What a nice morning!! I guess if I had walked the other direction from my home I would have seen the bums, the crack heads and the drunnk party people shaded up and struggling out of hidden after hours... but everything always seems better near the water. WAIT.. hahaha.. that reminds me of Bali.. I was running in the morning.. and there were drunk Australians.. still awake.. on the beach.. making a finish line for the runners.. somehow I avoided them.. but this one girl got heckled... sounds like something Sam would do.
OK.. I am going to make breaky and get ready to go to the competition. It is so nice not having to be there until 11:00. I bet it is because there is no reason for me to be there early because they didn't give me a job! I am so done with them! I was thinking in the shower though.. I still want to do a teacher dance at Outbreak - and have kids that match us play us.. and we can be the students.. haha!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday 3km Steady - week 2 - no music :( but SUN :)
3.03 km
14:59 min
4'56" min/km
227 cal
No Music :( but sun!
This has been a busy week and it is not over yet. I moved Thursday's run till today. I was going to go to the 4pm yoga but it was so sunny out I wanted to do my run in the sun. I am pooped from my week too - so I ran. It was supposed to be a slow one but I got into the alley and started running and there was no music on my ipod... oops! I wasn't about to go back upstairs so I just ran fast and listened to the world. I ran the same way I did Wednesday. I think I will do a different route tomorrow.
My left ankle started clicking.. and I ran through it .. Wednesday. I iced it when I got home and it was a bit crickety in the morning but went away once I woke up and stretched it out. It is doing that again now. I remember this happening last year in Bali... so I am not too worried.. just my body getting used to running regularly. Thought I would note it though.. for future reference.
14:59 min
4'56" min/km
227 cal
No Music :( but sun!
This has been a busy week and it is not over yet. I moved Thursday's run till today. I was going to go to the 4pm yoga but it was so sunny out I wanted to do my run in the sun. I am pooped from my week too - so I ran. It was supposed to be a slow one but I got into the alley and started running and there was no music on my ipod... oops! I wasn't about to go back upstairs so I just ran fast and listened to the world. I ran the same way I did Wednesday. I think I will do a different route tomorrow.
My left ankle started clicking.. and I ran through it .. Wednesday. I iced it when I got home and it was a bit crickety in the morning but went away once I woke up and stretched it out. It is doing that again now. I remember this happening last year in Bali... so I am not too worried.. just my body getting used to running regularly. Thought I would note it though.. for future reference.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wednesday 3km Tempo - week 2
3.01 km
15:39 min
5:10 min/km
227 cal
What is wrong with me? I just disconnected my ipod - runpod without ejecting and when I was walking back from my run I walked into the street without looking and cars honked at me!! WHAT? I must be tired!! Too busy with shows .. in another world! I gotta watch out or I am going to die and kill my runpod!! That would suck!! Don't worry mom.. I will be more careful!! I am just out of it... need sleep! I will be good once the competition is over Saturday :)
I thought I was running really fast. I felt like I was cruising past landmarks at superspeed but my Nike Plus tells me I wasn't really going as fast as I felt I was going. I am out of it. I think I am going to get a little bit of chicken and rice.. and hit the sack! Show day tomorrow. I am supposed to run tomorrow.. but I am going to bag that.. and run Friday instead... because.. if I am tired now.. tomorrow I will be crazy exhausted.. and I don't want to get hurt.. or smushed into road kill!
15:39 min
5:10 min/km
227 cal
What is wrong with me? I just disconnected my ipod - runpod without ejecting and when I was walking back from my run I walked into the street without looking and cars honked at me!! WHAT? I must be tired!! Too busy with shows .. in another world! I gotta watch out or I am going to die and kill my runpod!! That would suck!! Don't worry mom.. I will be more careful!! I am just out of it... need sleep! I will be good once the competition is over Saturday :)
I thought I was running really fast. I felt like I was cruising past landmarks at superspeed but my Nike Plus tells me I wasn't really going as fast as I felt I was going. I am out of it. I think I am going to get a little bit of chicken and rice.. and hit the sack! Show day tomorrow. I am supposed to run tomorrow.. but I am going to bag that.. and run Friday instead... because.. if I am tired now.. tomorrow I will be crazy exhausted.. and I don't want to get hurt.. or smushed into road kill!
Wednesday 6pm Flow with Katherine!
We had to have a partner at the beginning and we did a stretch where you hold hands and lean back and bend your knees then go opposite directions. My partner was Alejandro. He was very nice. Katherine said we should introduce ourselves to our neighbors because this is our little community. She is right.. but I thought you weren't supposed to talk in class.
I look up to Katherine. She is so cool. She played music during class one of the tracks was the original from Passin' Me By and another one was one of my old warm-up songs.. but I can't remember who it was.. and there was Bob.. that was nice. I imagined myself on the beach.
One cool thing that we did was warrior two to bind step step forward to the top of your mat staying in bind and then lift your knee up and then extend your leg! Let's see if I can find a picture..
It is called the bird of paradise.. like the flower!! I like this one! Ok- My sweat is drying and I am starting to get cold.. I gotta go and do my run!! I will be back!!
Oh wait.. I didn't ohm again today.. but I thought about Ohming.. but I couldn't do it. Then I thought you are just being stubborn.. maybe you should try it. I thought that maybe I am being stubborn the way I didn't like to try food.. but I couldn't convince myself that ohming was for me.. too gay. I am so Langley!
I look up to Katherine. She is so cool. She played music during class one of the tracks was the original from Passin' Me By and another one was one of my old warm-up songs.. but I can't remember who it was.. and there was Bob.. that was nice. I imagined myself on the beach.
One cool thing that we did was warrior two to bind step step forward to the top of your mat staying in bind and then lift your knee up and then extend your leg! Let's see if I can find a picture..
Oh wait.. I didn't ohm again today.. but I thought about Ohming.. but I couldn't do it. Then I thought you are just being stubborn.. maybe you should try it. I thought that maybe I am being stubborn the way I didn't like to try food.. but I couldn't convince myself that ohming was for me.. too gay. I am so Langley!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Tuesday 4km Steady (supposed to be Tempo) - With Belle!! - week 2
5:46 min/km
300 cal
So - I was supposed to run with Carrie and her fun group today - but the money meeting ran too long and the chance to hang out with Belle changed things. Carrie and I are having a sleep over on Saturday and a run on Sunday.. so we get our time still!!
Belle and I went for a run together in the rain! Dad gave her a light to wear on her head because it was dark. I made her wear a hat to keep the rain off and she kept asking if the light was working cause her brim blocked the beam. We had to slow down a couple of times and walk once but she did awesome! We ran a 4km in the rain in 23 minutes.
When we were running she kept asking if I was going to tell her dad how awesome she ran and I said I would of course. I will tell him you did amazing when you are there to hear it and then when you are not there I will really tell him about how awesome you did. Sam has some good tricks up his sleeve and making Belle run fast was a successful help you get your milkshake started.
I asked Belle about boys and she told me about two different ones that like her. I asked her which one she likes and she said both!! Just like her Auntie Paula - can't choose!! I like them all!!!
We didn't get to see Avatar Imax - it was all sold out :( But we did get to go to East Side Marios and have a snack and chat! YAY!!
5:46 min/km
300 cal
So - I was supposed to run with Carrie and her fun group today - but the money meeting ran too long and the chance to hang out with Belle changed things. Carrie and I are having a sleep over on Saturday and a run on Sunday.. so we get our time still!!
Belle and I went for a run together in the rain! Dad gave her a light to wear on her head because it was dark. I made her wear a hat to keep the rain off and she kept asking if the light was working cause her brim blocked the beam. We had to slow down a couple of times and walk once but she did awesome! We ran a 4km in the rain in 23 minutes.
When we were running she kept asking if I was going to tell her dad how awesome she ran and I said I would of course. I will tell him you did amazing when you are there to hear it and then when you are not there I will really tell him about how awesome you did. Sam has some good tricks up his sleeve and making Belle run fast was a successful help you get your milkshake started.
I asked Belle about boys and she told me about two different ones that like her. I asked her which one she likes and she said both!! Just like her Auntie Paula - can't choose!! I like them all!!!
We didn't get to see Avatar Imax - it was all sold out :( But we did get to go to East Side Marios and have a snack and chat! YAY!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday 6pm Jazz - Liz Tookey
Moe was away today but Liz taught class and she rocks! It is good to be forced to have different teachers. We did a bouncy warm-up with a lot of knees up and bouncing side to side with arm presses in all different directions. We did some cool stretches.. a lot of yoga then sit -ups. The last abs were laying on your elbow and doing circles with straight legs. I liked those.
ATF the left got neglected twice. First we did straight piques - don't forget your plie.
Next we did single, double pique, step step step turning back the way you came into a lunge. Turn the other way and develope the R and shunt forward. Step on your L and RDJ back L and R to another lunge - kick the leg up and turn the head and body after - ball change and go again..
Next: Jump: Big chaine GJ Turning, GJ to back reapeat first part back to where you came from.. run run run retire jump. Turn back on yourself... attitude jump step jump - step temps leve and side jete.
Then we did a combo.. but I am done writing..
Hey.. My hip has been hurting the last few days.. maybe longer.. and I was trying to figure out why.. and it came to me today!!! It was from Moe's class when we did the switch splits.. and I thought I was better.. but I am not!!! At least I remember why it hurts.. and I won't do anything to hurt it more till it doesn't hurt again!! I must have reinjured it.. cause I swear that went away in a few days.. or maybe I just wasn't dancing???
ATF the left got neglected twice. First we did straight piques - don't forget your plie.
Next we did single, double pique, step step step turning back the way you came into a lunge. Turn the other way and develope the R and shunt forward. Step on your L and RDJ back L and R to another lunge - kick the leg up and turn the head and body after - ball change and go again..
Next: Jump: Big chaine GJ Turning, GJ to back reapeat first part back to where you came from.. run run run retire jump. Turn back on yourself... attitude jump step jump - step temps leve and side jete.
Then we did a combo.. but I am done writing..
Hey.. My hip has been hurting the last few days.. maybe longer.. and I was trying to figure out why.. and it came to me today!!! It was from Moe's class when we did the switch splits.. and I thought I was better.. but I am not!!! At least I remember why it hurts.. and I won't do anything to hurt it more till it doesn't hurt again!! I must have reinjured it.. cause I swear that went away in a few days.. or maybe I just wasn't dancing???
Measurements - Let's see if they change at all by May 2
Chest: 36 inches
Waist: 34 inches (ewwww!!!!)
Hips: 37 inches
Thigh: 23 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
And just for fun: My Head: 21 inches! hahaha!
I know this is stupid - but it will be nice to have some quantitave evidence when I am done. Really - I was just organizing and cleaning my desk at work and I found the measuring tape - and it said something about taking measurements in the clinic manual.. so why not? In reality, I know when I feel good and when I look good... and that is what I am really going to go by.
Jan. 20
Chest: 35 inches
Waist: 32 inches (before breakfast! Maybe I was just bloated the other day?)
Hips: 37 inches
Thigh: 23 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
Sept. 15, 2010
132 pounds
Chest: 35
Waist: 32.5
Hips: 37
(I am sure I gained weight with the broken ankle.. but this is day 16 of 40 day yoga and no drinking challenge and I am .. back to normal. It doesn't take long for bodies to go back to the shape they are supposed to be)
Waist: 34 inches (ewwww!!!!)
Hips: 37 inches
Thigh: 23 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
And just for fun: My Head: 21 inches! hahaha!
I know this is stupid - but it will be nice to have some quantitave evidence when I am done. Really - I was just organizing and cleaning my desk at work and I found the measuring tape - and it said something about taking measurements in the clinic manual.. so why not? In reality, I know when I feel good and when I look good... and that is what I am really going to go by.
Jan. 20
Chest: 35 inches
Waist: 32 inches (before breakfast! Maybe I was just bloated the other day?)
Hips: 37 inches
Thigh: 23 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
Sept. 15, 2010
132 pounds
Chest: 35
Waist: 32.5
Hips: 37
(I am sure I gained weight with the broken ankle.. but this is day 16 of 40 day yoga and no drinking challenge and I am .. back to normal. It doesn't take long for bodies to go back to the shape they are supposed to be)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sunday 7km LSD - Week 2 :)
This is the first time I have ever done the ten minutes running and one minute walking strategy. I have to say I was really looking forward to the one minute of walking. I edited my music so Camp Lo told me when to walk. I am going to make one of those edits for each run - so much fun when you have good songs. EXCEPT - I put the wrong Better Man in.. but I fixed it.. so I am ready to use it next time!!
I am stoked that it didn't rain. I even saw some sun :) I did the runner nod to people on the C wall and I got some nods back. Some people were really concentrating and weren't looking. I tried to keep a smile on my face.. but keep teeth closed cause I swallowed a bug by the skate area! haha! I kinda choked and tried to spit it out. I hate spitters.. but I will look at them differently now.. maybe they just swallowed a bug???
This is the first time I have ever done the ten minutes running and one minute walking strategy. I have to say I was really looking forward to the one minute of walking. I edited my music so Camp Lo told me when to walk. I am going to make one of those edits for each run - so much fun when you have good songs. EXCEPT - I put the wrong Better Man in.. but I fixed it.. so I am ready to use it next time!!
I am stoked that it didn't rain. I even saw some sun :) I did the runner nod to people on the C wall and I got some nods back. Some people were really concentrating and weren't looking. I tried to keep a smile on my face.. but keep teeth closed cause I swallowed a bug by the skate area! haha! I kinda choked and tried to spit it out. I hate spitters.. but I will look at them differently now.. maybe they just swallowed a bug???
Sunday 10am 1 hour hot with LEO!
Kids in class update:
The bendy girl who is really skinny who was standing behind me a lot the last few classes had nice hair coming in - I told her after in the change room - but it was all sweaty then!
The little Asian lady that takes a million classes a day got her hair chopped - short - I like it better longer on her. I didn't say anything. I don't think I have ever spoken to her.
The big Asian lady in the back left corner - I think she is a nurse - she was there.
The short bald old man who always wears a shirt and who I imagine to be a rock climber was there.
That's enough updates.
Leo did some different things in this class - He went into warrior three from Eagle... instead of from standing bow. That was kinda cool. I like it when they switch things up. Again, he did tons of core. My left arm wouldn't hold me up in side plank so I did another centre.
OK - time to run!!!
The bendy girl who is really skinny who was standing behind me a lot the last few classes had nice hair coming in - I told her after in the change room - but it was all sweaty then!
The little Asian lady that takes a million classes a day got her hair chopped - short - I like it better longer on her. I didn't say anything. I don't think I have ever spoken to her.
The big Asian lady in the back left corner - I think she is a nurse - she was there.
The short bald old man who always wears a shirt and who I imagine to be a rock climber was there.
That's enough updates.
Leo did some different things in this class - He went into warrior three from Eagle... instead of from standing bow. That was kinda cool. I like it when they switch things up. Again, he did tons of core. My left arm wouldn't hold me up in side plank so I did another centre.
OK - time to run!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Saturday 3km Steady End of Week 1
ran 3.28 km on 9/1/2010 at 1:53 PM with a pace of 5'05"/km http://bit.ly/7HgZVf
I have sore arms from my shots last night. I am not feeling that active because of that juice. Anywho, I got out there and it wasn't raining at first but boy did she pour from the halfway point and back. I hope I can get a nice clear rainless window of time tomorrow for the 7km - but no worries - that is really only 35 minutes and I can live with what I have for 35 minutes. Carrie and I are going to go shopping Tuesday - but I think she already bought the cool stuff!! hahaha!!
This was an easy run and once I got into it I forgot about my arms. I ran down the alley to.. Pacific street to the Aquatic centre and then down to the C wall and back to the tennis court turn and back up to the road to avoid the flooded area and bubble tent. It was a nice little loop.
I have to say - I am not stoked on my fatness.. I really can't believe it actually.. and I don't think I am exaggerating. But, I have to think that I will be fit soon and it won't be that hard because I am a pretty fit person to start with - which means I burn more faster and if I can get some good groceries for dinners - cause I am pretty good at school already- then I will be fine. I need to just stay away from eating out so much and start making my veggies and chicken. I got to get my food organized and then it will be easy! Right? And I will be happy and not write about how fat I am in my blog anymore!!
As for the rest of the day - I was going to do ballet and go to yoga - but I think I am going to let the juices in my arm soak in and do my dance and yoga tomorrow after my long run... if my arms are feeling better. There is no way I could hold my arms up for dance and yoga right now.. so just chill!!
OH!! I made a mix for the long run tomorrow - 10 and 1. That means run for ten minutes and walk for one. I edited some songs together so that I know when it has been ten minutes.. it is pretty cool. Here it is .. if you want it: ten and 1 7km
or if you just wanna listen before you download:
ran 3.28 km on 9/1/2010 at 1:53 PM with a pace of 5'05"/km http://bit.ly/7HgZVf
I have sore arms from my shots last night. I am not feeling that active because of that juice. Anywho, I got out there and it wasn't raining at first but boy did she pour from the halfway point and back. I hope I can get a nice clear rainless window of time tomorrow for the 7km - but no worries - that is really only 35 minutes and I can live with what I have for 35 minutes. Carrie and I are going to go shopping Tuesday - but I think she already bought the cool stuff!! hahaha!!
This was an easy run and once I got into it I forgot about my arms. I ran down the alley to.. Pacific street to the Aquatic centre and then down to the C wall and back to the tennis court turn and back up to the road to avoid the flooded area and bubble tent. It was a nice little loop.
I have to say - I am not stoked on my fatness.. I really can't believe it actually.. and I don't think I am exaggerating. But, I have to think that I will be fit soon and it won't be that hard because I am a pretty fit person to start with - which means I burn more faster and if I can get some good groceries for dinners - cause I am pretty good at school already- then I will be fine. I need to just stay away from eating out so much and start making my veggies and chicken. I got to get my food organized and then it will be easy! Right? And I will be happy and not write about how fat I am in my blog anymore!!
As for the rest of the day - I was going to do ballet and go to yoga - but I think I am going to let the juices in my arm soak in and do my dance and yoga tomorrow after my long run... if my arms are feeling better. There is no way I could hold my arms up for dance and yoga right now.. so just chill!!
OH!! I made a mix for the long run tomorrow - 10 and 1. That means run for ten minutes and walk for one. I edited some songs together so that I know when it has been ten minutes.. it is pretty cool. Here it is .. if you want it: ten and 1 7km
or if you just wanna listen before you download:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday 3km Steady - Week 1
ran 3.03 km on 7/1/2010 at 8:16 PM with a pace of 5'31"/km http://bit.ly/4Zzc2o
So, I went to yoga and then I went running. It was easy. All you have to do is set your mind to something and you can do it. I had to rush and go pick up the sweatpants.. so ... I can't remember what I was thinking.. let me go back... I ran down the alley to the C wall - past the fancy apartments with the gargoyles. I know was thinking.. who lives there?? That place is dope. I wanna live there. AND - they are taking over this street.. and I was thinking.. Bella Pizza people out back chilling must get to sit there and see who comes and goes.
It was raining a bit but I was sweating from yoga still. I was red in the face and I had to keep telling myself to go slow because today is a slow and steady day - below race pace. I like just chilling and running slow. What else was I thinking... hmmm.. I don't know.. lots... ok.. I am too tired for this! LATER!!!
OH - I am stoked that EMMA and CARRIE started half marathon blogs too!! YAY!! EYE OF THE TIGER!!!
So, I went to yoga and then I went running. It was easy. All you have to do is set your mind to something and you can do it. I had to rush and go pick up the sweatpants.. so ... I can't remember what I was thinking.. let me go back... I ran down the alley to the C wall - past the fancy apartments with the gargoyles. I know was thinking.. who lives there?? That place is dope. I wanna live there. AND - they are taking over this street.. and I was thinking.. Bella Pizza people out back chilling must get to sit there and see who comes and goes.
It was raining a bit but I was sweating from yoga still. I was red in the face and I had to keep telling myself to go slow because today is a slow and steady day - below race pace. I like just chilling and running slow. What else was I thinking... hmmm.. I don't know.. lots... ok.. I am too tired for this! LATER!!!
OH - I am stoked that EMMA and CARRIE started half marathon blogs too!! YAY!! EYE OF THE TIGER!!!
Thursday 6pm Hot - Christine
I love the evening classes. That felt good!! Christine focused on the breathing today throughout the whole class which helped me to relax. I could not stop thinking about how fat I am right now. Stupid thoughts. My shorts were too tight so it kept reminding me. I am gross!! Too much beer over the holiday and not enough yoga! Sucks that it happens so fast... I am getting old too.. so.. it is to be expected. I gotta be more careful because I don't like thinking like this.. I can't wait to be normal me again and not think stupid. I want to feel comfortable and strong in my body.. not fat and wanting to hide..
Anywho - enough of that crap!! It was an awesome class and full. I didn't have any problems. Some of the things I need to work on is not getting out of the postures too early and to stop thinking stupid.
OK - next!!!
Anywho - enough of that crap!! It was an awesome class and full. I didn't have any problems. Some of the things I need to work on is not getting out of the postures too early and to stop thinking stupid.
OK - next!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wednesday 3km Tempo Run: Week 1
ran 3.02 km on 6/1/2010 at 5:34 PM with a pace of 5'02"/km http://bit.ly/5YjXfe
Well, that was my first run in the training schedule. I came home from school and put on a long sleeve and my jacket and pink nikes and away I went. It was a quick run and it wasn't cold once I started running. It is hard for me to get used to running at night. I don't think I have even really been an evening runner. I have always run first thing in the morning. Wait - I did do some runs with the White Rock runners.. with Linzar in the evening.. but that was around 4 or 5 - and spring sun time!! It really should be the same as running in the morning - it is kinda dusky... but the people are different around the wall... they are more lovery and walky dog slowly - or getting home from work stride... not trying to get somewhere by a certain time - like the morning people. I am going to have to get used to it.. because I am not getting up and doing it before 6am.. too early!!
OK.. dinner with the girls was canceled.. so I better find my own food :( boooooo!!!!
Well, that was my first run in the training schedule. I came home from school and put on a long sleeve and my jacket and pink nikes and away I went. It was a quick run and it wasn't cold once I started running. It is hard for me to get used to running at night. I don't think I have even really been an evening runner. I have always run first thing in the morning. Wait - I did do some runs with the White Rock runners.. with Linzar in the evening.. but that was around 4 or 5 - and spring sun time!! It really should be the same as running in the morning - it is kinda dusky... but the people are different around the wall... they are more lovery and walky dog slowly - or getting home from work stride... not trying to get somewhere by a certain time - like the morning people. I am going to have to get used to it.. because I am not getting up and doing it before 6am.. too early!!
OK.. dinner with the girls was canceled.. so I better find my own food :( boooooo!!!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Monday 6pm Jazz MOE! New warm up and ATF - 2010 the year of the CORE!

YAY!! Great start back to the new year! I did it!! I had a very productive day.. so weird after so many non-productive days. Fresh start!! 2010 the year of the CORE - Moe made that up!
We learned her new warm-up - I like it!! And we did 4 ATF's that focus on the core. I have to use my body more and stop being such a square. Too much ballet!!
I had to get more classes - I used mine up.. I didn't realize I had danced so much! Zak was at the desk the same time as me and offered to pay for my class.. awww!! So nice! Danielle the ballet teacher asked about my tan and I said.. I was away in Yaletown at the tanning salon and she said they are not good for me.. and I said.. I didn't like it.. I'm not going back! I can't believe I got so noticeable brown.. I mean I just went 6 times in three months.. that is less than once a week!
Anywho.. good class.. Moe is not there Saturday.. so might take something else that day. I have to run a 3km that day - easy!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Sunday 10am 1 Hour Hot - Angela

WOW- the class was full. Not too full - but nice for a Sunday morning. This is January! There were a lot of familiar faces.. and I was sitting beside one of my favourite girls - I used to do the morning classes with her - but now I can't go to morning classes... cause of school - but I will again when Dance Team is OVER!! yay!!! 4 months!! ON that note... dance team tomorrow 7am!!!! Yikes!!!
Good class - but my quads.. ow!! I didn't do very good.. I was so sweaty too - cause my engine was already going from my run!! I was slippery too from being all freshly showered!!
Sunday 8:30 - 5km

The Nike Plus site isn't opening - stupid!! Here is my link that I got from Twitter... so weird that it sends it there and I still can't see it on the site...
ran 5.02 km on 3/1/2010 at 8:35 AM with a pace of 5'04"/km http://bit.ly/72iWDH
I was trying to run the same run as yesterday but it was flooded. I saw runners coming toward me and I thought they were coming from the other side and they had made it through but they had turned around... and I didn't hear them... I saved a nice lady runner couple from my fate... so that wasted some time.
I felt stronger today. I had a more consistent pace and my breathing was easier. I could feel my quads from yesterday - and some upper body, arms and abs... so that is nice.. but nothing too bad.
Time to call Carrie and see how she did!!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Saturday 10:30am 5km Run
This was Carrie's first day with her Nike Plus system and somehow it didn't work. She is going to calibrate it on her parents' treadmill tonight and we are going to try again tomorrow.
This was my first run since the Terry Fox run at school - when was that... October? It was not that bad. It was raining a bit and I was a little cold in the end. I slowed down the last 1.5km. It was good to be out and running again.
I ran down to the C wall and to the right. I ran till it said I was halfway which was right before the Burrard Street Bridge. I think I will do that same distance tomorrow unless Carrie wants to do more.. but I think she will be happy with a 5km. It is pretty cool being able to run with her but not with her.. I hope her thing works tomorrow!!
This was my first run since the Terry Fox run at school - when was that... October? It was not that bad. It was raining a bit and I was a little cold in the end. I slowed down the last 1.5km. It was good to be out and running again.
I ran down to the C wall and to the right. I ran till it said I was halfway which was right before the Burrard Street Bridge. I think I will do that same distance tomorrow unless Carrie wants to do more.. but I think she will be happy with a 5km. It is pretty cool being able to run with her but not with her.. I hope her thing works tomorrow!!
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