3.03 km
14:59 min
4'56" min/km
227 cal
No Music :( but sun!
This has been a busy week and it is not over yet. I moved Thursday's run till today. I was going to go to the 4pm yoga but it was so sunny out I wanted to do my run in the sun. I am pooped from my week too - so I ran. It was supposed to be a slow one but I got into the alley and started running and there was no music on my ipod... oops! I wasn't about to go back upstairs so I just ran fast and listened to the world. I ran the same way I did Wednesday. I think I will do a different route tomorrow.
My left ankle started clicking.. and I ran through it .. Wednesday. I iced it when I got home and it was a bit crickety in the morning but went away once I woke up and stretched it out. It is doing that again now. I remember this happening last year in Bali... so I am not too worried.. just my body getting used to running regularly. Thought I would note it though.. for future reference.
glad to hear that I am not the only one with weird body things happening with these runs! See you tomorrow for the sleep over and run! cheers