Race Results
I will write LATER!
Here are some pictures from mom for now:
Hey! I am back!! It is now Wednesday at 5:30. I am pooped but I am home and I have some time now to write about my race. Then, I want to read what Emma wrote about the race.
First things first: My runpod works again! YAY!!! When I ran in the rain it got soaked and I lost all my run details. BOOO!! How am I ever going to make it to the blue level? I just lost the most important run of all. Oh well, at least I had music the entire time and that is what really matters.. right? AND.. it is working now and I can go for a run tomorrow and work towards my blue level. I should keep total of the lost runs! I guess I kinda do here. Maybe I should add a tag into my titles for them.. so I can go back and do a total.. or start a new page for them. YES! That is what I will do. Wait. I will be back again.
OK :) I am back. You can go and check it out. I made a new page where I will post any more lost runs. As soon as I loose 100km I am buying a new Ipod. This one just freezes too much!
Now, let's get back to the race. I would like to say thanks to Emma and Carrie for doing this with me and Amy... who I met the day before our race... it would not have been so amazing and it would not have been so fun if I had done it alone. I really enjoyed reading the blogs...even Carrie's... having a sleepover, and having a hot tub party afterward!
The four of us woke up super early, nourished ourselves, and tried to go to the bathroom. I did my hair in bamboo style so it would look good all sweaty when I run through the finish line. We basically dorked around until just after 6 when we took off into the morning. It was dry out but cloudy. Not a good sign but we had heard that the rain would hold off until 11am.
We found the start line, made a potty stop, and found friends and pace leaders. We set up our ipods and organized our gear. We were ready to go when the rain drops started to tinkle. (Oh that was Amy in the bathroom.. ) NO!! It was rain!! Then we were off. I saw Sofie and was with her for a bit then I was alone. I was so into my mix and just trying to stay calm and keep my eye on the people so I could dodge when needed. I used the side walk through east Van and other spots to stay away from the crowds. I tried to stay to the right normally but if I saw a station up ahead I would float towards the middle so I wouldn't be in the way of those people who were grabbing water or gatorade. Or rather, they wouldn't be in my way.
On that note, I would like to say that I like our system of carrying our own water and nutrition. Drink and eat when you need to. I used two guus with water and most of it is still in my fridge. I drank when I took my walk breaks and just a little squirt. It was perfect.
I had never run the Prospect Point hill. I missed those days with the run club. I was at the very bottom of the hill and I had a walk break and a squirt of my power and then Sam's song came on, Motordick! Hahaha!! I raced up that hill and then there was some down .. and I thought that was it. That was easy. Then I looked across and saw the Lions Gate Bridge was really high from where I was.. and isn't Prospect Point at the end of the bridge?? Yes it is!!! And up and around and up and around and up and around I went!! I had another walk break in there too.. just before the top... so that means I was running up hill for at least 10 minutes.
The down was great though! I love down! My knees don't always love down - but what a free treat! It was no work at all!!
When I got to the end of the park - to English Bay - I saw Andrew. YAY! I high fived the BMO Bear mascot and I had my last walk break. I booted it after this walk and thought that maybe I had started to boot it too soon. I started calculating in my head how far I was from the end, from my house, had I run this far before and it wasn't so bad. I was almost home free. I kept up my pace. As I got closer people told me to finish strong and I thought how could I run any faster... and all of a sudden I did!! and I didn't stop!! I pumped my arms through the finish line - smiling and FINISHED!! YAY!!
Afterwards was the worst... cold... rain... hiding under the Red Bull tent as all my muscles started to crunch in on each other.. wanting warmth and dry clothes... and the HOT TUB!
I am going to end it there.. What a great day!!
No wait.. I just want to say how awesome the hot tub party was.. and thanks to everyone who came!!
K.. I am done.. I am hungry.. AGAIN!
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