Wow! I did it. I accomplished my goals for today! I wanted to do all this stuff.. and I did! I will sleep like a baby tonight.
I was chatting with the tall lady. We forgot to exchange names. She is a dietitian and she is going to Italy in August. It doesn't sound like she likes her job too much so I tried not to make mine sound so cool. I just said I taught high school.
Hot yoges was cool. Leo does things a little different and that was a nice change. He did all the warriors starting facing the side mirror instead of with warrior one.
It was a lot hotter today than it is in the mornings. I was sweating a lot.
I had a shower and stood under the cold water between the two classes. That felt nice but didn't stop me from being hot. I didn't stop sweating until at least half way through yin class. It was annoying! How can I focus on my breathing when all I am thinking about is drip, drip, drip! GROSS!
Leo had cool lights for the Yin class. They shone on the ceiling and on some of the walls. It was like a swirly cloud and green dots of different sizes moving at different speeds like a solar system. When I was laying on my back I would try to watch one and see how many other stars it would hit before I couldn't see it anymore and then I would choose another one and do the same thing. I have to say... it definitely distracted me from thinking about the pain of the postures.
Great day! Good job Paula!
Here were my goals for this week:
SO, I am going to have three yoga goals for this week:
1. Do every 6am class - Check!
2. Do not fidget during pigeon - check! (I did it at least once.. but I wasn't perfect!!!!!)
3. Go to three more yoga classes and they must be full hots or flows (8 classes total) - incomplete: I did 6 one hour hots, one flow, two yin - I might let myself off the hook.. that is still 9 classes!!
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