Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday 6 - 7am Bikram Cambie - Sunshine

Whoa - I almost didn't get up. But then I got up and now I am happy I did. I haven't been to yoga since last Monday. Wednesday the boy woke up at 5am or something crazy and Friday I must have slept through the first couple of alarms because I got up and went to yoga but looked at the clock as I was driving across the bridge and realized that yoga had already started... so I went back home just in time for the boy to wake up. This morning when the alarm went off I guess I was just out of practice of getting up this early... and closed my eyes and contemplated not going... but it would only be harder the next time.. just do it.

At the front desk there was another lady (Linda?) who had to leave at 7am as well. Instead of sneaking out at savasana Sunshine let us know when it was exactly 7 which was after wind removing pose. That is a much nicer place to sneak out because you get that nice long savasana before that where you can catch your breath before starting the hectic day.

My left hip still hurts so I didn't do the left triangle. It wasn't that hot today... (which was nice). My mind was all over the place. I was having weird dreams when I woke up.... I was living in Jakarta again... so my thoughts started there and wandered all over even though I reminded myself to stop thinking and just focus on my breathing.

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