Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Back to Bikram, Back to Autumn, and Back to Harbour!

Here is a look at the last few months. The last time I posted, we had just gotten back from Jacksonville and my back had just gone out. I was looking forward to it being better and getting back to normal. Well, it isn't normal yet but it is getting better. I am really surprised how long it has taken. I guess I am taking longer to heal because I am getting older, or I just really messed it up. I do attribute it to not doing my yoga this summer... along with other BEASTLY factors as well during summer school. Nevertheless, after a four week "rest" (not very restful when you really can't move or get comfortable sitting or standing or moving...) I got back into some movement. 

I started with the Beach Body yoga classes. I was so excited to go back to my One Hour Hot Yoga... and they closed down! I am so saddened by this but I am looking at it positively. My two and half or so years I had with Dan and Keiko were very awesome. I had never felt more welcome and more comfortable in a studio. I was always against one hour classes, as I had always been a firm believer in the 90 minute classes... but because of my 6am morning schedule, they just seemed to fit in better before work. At Bikram Yoga Vancouver (Yoga 101 now... name change), I had to leave morning classes early to get to work on time - and I hate disrupting the class like that. You know what got better doing the one hour classes? My spine strengthening. I was always so pooped at Bikram by spine strengthening, that I didn't do a very good job of it. During the one hour classes, I had more energy for this series and improved. So, I am happy for this improvement. Now that my studio has closed and knowing that I need yoga to be fit for teaching dance, I had to find a place to practice. Luckily, my friend Bobbie wanted to try Bikram. I suggested the studio in Delta on my way to work. I had often driven by, (and I used to take field trips of kids there), but I would think as I drove by, that this would be a good place for me to practice. I would have to get up earlier but I would be able to do the entire class and still have time to get to work. So, that is what I have been doing once a week. (I can't get up that early every morning.) I missed the 90 minute classes. What a difference. 

I started off September/back to school time/ doing Liift4. I was all by myself in the dance studio early in the morning. I spread the word that people could join me and Shilpa started coming in the mornings, then Erin, and even Bobbie once. It has been so nice to work out with other people. When Autumn came out with A Little More Obsessed, I wanted to try it. I missed Autumn!! She is so inspirational and says just the right thing when I need to hear it. I realized that I missed 80 Day Obsession. Even though these new workouts were killer, Erin was into Autumn too. We had to drop Joel and workout with Autumn. We are now going through 80 Day but taking our time. We aren't sticking to the schedule. I am doing the timed nutrition 90% of the time but I have really had some good cheat weekends... my weekday game is on point. I looking to sharpen that up as I recommit myself to Autumn. 

The other thing, I have been really missing is Harbour Dance. I have plans to dance this Thursday and Friday -  we will see how that goes. I am just going to modify if I have to. I need to move and dance and I miss Harbour... I have not been in MONTHS! 

Well, that is my little workout update. The back is still healing, the right hammy is overstretched... and well... that is all you need to know! Modify don't quit. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Summer School / Liift 4 / Surfing

I have had one of the craziest, busiest summers of my life and I only missed two workouts... now I have missed three, because my back is out - but I am hoping if I rest until the end of this week, I can catch up and only be a week behind the Liift4 Exclusive Test Group.

 I am proud that I did my workouts at White Oak and had my dance teacher friends join me. We had quite a crew working out together at the start. 

At Jacksonville University, during lunch breaks, I continued to squish my workouts in. I lost my crew but I forged forward. It was not easy and school was crazy with assignments, but I kept those 40 minutes for myself. 

My son surfing for the first time!!! 
The other thing that I did for me, was surfing in the morning. I got up at 5:30 / 5:45am each morning, had my Energize and a piece of whole grain bread with peanut butter. Then, I walked in bare feet to the beach. How awesome is that? I was sometimes the first person there but usually not. I took surf lessons with Evan Thompson once a week and found a lot of my bad habits. It was hard and I was often disappointed in myself. Surfing is one of the hardest things I have ever done and I feel like I will always suck at it because I don't have wave knowledge. To get that, I need to live somewhere I can surf everyday. That is my life goal and I will keep trying until I am the best granny surfer out there. It might take me that long to get my home by the beach. (at this point Van by the beach! I am not opposed to being a granny who lives in a van by the beach.) BUT, I will keep trying to achieve my goals and get a home by the ocean so I can surf everyday. (I also want to dance and do yoga... and run... and do my Beach Body workouts.) 

Mornings in the ocean included: sunrises, lightning in dark black distant clouds, sea birds, dolphins, and once a manatee. 

My nutrition at the start of our trip and at school was awesome. I did really good at keeping up during the week at school. Dinners were a bit off, as Jonny was shopping at the Dollar Store for the first bit. Once we got grocery shopping on Sundays, I got some nice rice bowls. I bought a $9 blender at Walmart (that I brought home for school) that I made my Shakeology shakes in. I drank those on the way to school. However, as school got more intense, started having beers that last couple of weeks, just because... I was stressed out and needed to relax, it was hot, and they didn't give me a hangover. I could wake up and still surf. How is that possible? It did make me feel fat and bloated. I am happy to be home and sticking to my no beer in the city rule. 

Now that I am home, I was excited to get back into action with yoga, skating, dancing at Harbour, and my Liift4 workouts... but my back is OUT. I can't sit, stand, lay... waaahhhh!!! But, I am happy that it didn't go out during summer school. So, thank-you universe for waiting until I had three weeks off. Now, let's heal this baby up and get me back to my Vancouver life. Universe, you have until Sunday to get me back to feeling like me. That is it. I am back in action Monday. I think that is a fair enough deal. 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

80 Day Obsession End of Phase 1 Round 2

I started round two of 80 Day Obsession (160 Day Obsession - hehehe) on April 23. I redid week four because I indulged over my birthday and didn't complete all the workouts for that week. 

I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis in my left foot which is caused from the lack of mobility in that ankle which I broke in 2010. I should have gone to physio more when I first injured it and I suppose I should be happy that I had eight years without too much trouble. HOWEVER, now that I have met this awesome phsysio - Damien - from Granville Physio, I know that all my old injuries (and future ones - let's be serious - I am getting old and this is a fact of life) will recover more quickly and be better managed. 

That being said, I modified all jumps. I went to ballet on May 4th and that really hurt my foot. This bums me out because I was loving ballet again. I really wanted to go to ballet on my birthday. I like Birthday Ballet class. 

It is also spring and the sun is shining in Vancouver. Well, it is actually cloudy at the moment... but it has been a super beautiful, sunny spring. Do you know what I love to do in the spring? Run! I live a couple of blocks from the C wall. I like to run down to English Bay and back, or all the way around, or over the Cambie bridge and around the other side and back over the Burrard bridge. There are so many beautiful run spots by my home... and I can't run. Man, I can't walk when I get up in the morning (or in the night to pee.) So, I must heel and save myself for my summer dancing in Florida. Maybe I will be able to run in August when I get back. 

Luckily, I can still do my 6am yogas. I find these actually help me get walking in the morning. I hobbled to yoga and I gracefully walk out. I also have my 80 Day Obsession. I just modify any jumps. I am happy to have something each day that I can do to keep me moving towards my goals. 

These are my photos (actually video and snap shotted - this is the way to go...) from the start of Round 2, Phase 1. 

 I am down two inches and two pounds. 
 Here are my photos from this morning. I don't feel that different. I feel pretty much the same. BUT, as I said, I am happy to have maintained and not gone up... since I have not done my best. I think I will go back to taking photos via video in the studio. These attempts at bathroom selfies at 6am when the household is sleeping... are silly. AND... these Nike pants with the elastic at the top... always sausage me a little worse than I think I really am. They aren't the most flattering. Oh well... my mom got them for me... and I hate shopping... so I wear them. My mom actually finds some pretty good deals on Nike sports bras once in a while. I never say no to those. Here I go... getting off topic again.

Anywho... that is it. On to Round Two, Phase Two. I am still in Plan B for nutrition. Eye of the Tiger!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday May 4, 2018: 10 - 11:30am Ballet with Beverly

Well, I was having an awesome class today. I was hesitant to go to ballet because of the plantar faciitis in my left heel, but I had asked the doc about it last Friday and he said it would be ok. AND... it was ok, until petit allegro. Owiieeee!!! I just want my heel to be better to I can move and jump and dance free again. I don't like getting old. It feels like there is ALWAYS something. Before this it was my shoulder. That is better... you would think I could get a few classes in without being sore... but now it is my heel. OK... enough whining. I guess I am lucky to be a... 44 (in 12 days!) year old dancer. I am lucky to still be able to do what I love at all.

One of my dance lady friends said I looked good and asked if I had been losing weight today. YAY!!!

Let's focus on the good stuff people!!!

Ok.. off to the park with Christian and Jonny.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

80 Day Obsession Round 1 DONE!

I did it! You know what though? I didn't feel as excited as I should have at the end. I think this is because, from the start, I have set this up to be a lifestyle change and not just 80 days. When the end of 80 days came along, I knew I was going to have a few treats and then get right back at it. It is part of my life and routine now. It makes me feel good. I like timed nutrition. I am full and healthy. I don't crave chips and pop on the way home, because I have my driving home meal.

I didn't change much the last month, even with peak week. Part of me thinks it is because my body adjusted to it or is happy where it is, another part of me thinks I should have stuck to the plan even closer and chosen the foods from the top of the list which are the healthiest. Then, I started to see other people's transformations and thought, why didn't I try harder? Why did I cheat those days when we were on vacation or at a funeral? I had to check myself! I had to remind myself of all that I had accomplished. I am awesome. I did awesome. I am going to keep doing awesome.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday, March 30, 2018 Yoga - Mari / Cardio Flow - 80 Day Obsession

I haven't been to yoga in exactly two weeks. We went away for a few days and I got out of my 6am routine which is nice. During the past two weeks I have still kept up with my 80 Day Obsession workouts and I have done some dancing. I also did a lot of homework and playing with Christian.

Anywho, my point was, when I was at yoga this morning, because I have been away for two weeks, I noticed new strengths. I attribute this to the 80 Day Obsession workouts. From the very start of class, with the breathing, I could feel my core. I also noticed more strength in the side bend of my half moon pose. 
Another place that I have been noticing changes are in my triceps. I have been trying to feel my triceps, for the past year, in locust pose. Each time I get into this pose, I try to relax my non-working leg and push into the floor with my triceps. I could easily feel my triceps today. 
Mari gave me something to try in cobra: she told me to move my hands a little bit back and get more into the upper back and even my head. I think I am getting that right. It was a taller, longer feeling with a squeeze in the shoulder blades. I am going to try and remember that and try it again on Sunday. Mari always has a good tid bit for me. She makes me work so hard. (Which I adore!) 
It was a full class this morning as there was no 6am as it is a holiday.  This was the 7:45 class. The people around me were focused and trying hard which made me be able to focus and work hard too. 

Also, my left shoulder, which I injured at the start of last November caused me to modify some postures. Today, I did no modifications! YAY! Sometimes it is good to have a break. Although, I won't be too excited... let's see how it feels tonight and tomorrow. If there is no night aching... I might be getting close to being done with that injury. Another one for the books! 

When I came home, I had my green muffins, peanut butter, and water. I chilled and watched some trains with Big Boy, and then I did Cardio Flow. Usually, I have a break - the time it takes me to drive to school - so I was a bit pooped. BUT, I did it is DONE! 

I give thanks to the 80 Day Obsession workouts for my progression in yoga. (and not only yoga!)

Oh wait! There is one more thing I did this morning - before all of this:
My surfer girl, Andrea, sent this to me yesterday. It is already day 8 today... I started on day 7... but what an awesome way to "wake-up." I have always wanted to try meditation - and I have tried it - but try and stick to it - this may be my way in. Thank-you Andrea - this is just what I needed!!! 

Monday, March 12, 2018

80 Day Obsession Phase 2 Done

80 Day Obsession Phase Two: 

I did not do as much, or as well as I could have done this phase. I have had a hectic month avoiding construction in my building. They have been replacing all of the water pipes and since it is a strata thing, I have no control or communication with the workers. We find out 1-3 days in advance if our water is going to be off and that they are going to be making a mess in our condo. They have cut a part out of almost every wall and some ceilings in all rooms except for my son's - which is already a mess. We had to remove everything out of our cupboards and closets. I don't like being all disorganized, it makes me feel out of control in a way, so it has been an added stressor on our family. As well, it was February in Vancouver, my least favourite month - at this point you just want the rain to stop and the sun to come out. (Which it did a lot more than last year... but it did snow too... so you know. I am ready for summer!)

SO, that being said, we ran away to Squamish and Bellingham to avoid construction and paint fumes. Why does this matter? First, I usually dance on the weekends, and I didn't get to my dance classes this month. It looks like I made it to ballet once. (It is also dance competition season - so I have been to a lot of those on the weekends - missing dance too. There is another one Thursday night.) I have made it to my yoga classes in the morning. You gotta love 6am's. There is no way to miss your workout if you just get up and go... and wake up half way through.

The second thing that has set me back is beer. When we go away to hotels, it is natural for me to relax and have a (some - hehe) beer with my husband. It is a habit. We usually don't drink in the city, and then when we travel we relax and enjoy... I see a lot of people in the 80 Day Obsession Coach group avoiding alcohol on special occasions and here I am just drinking for nothing. BUT, I am also thinking about this as a whole lifestyle change. I am not going to stop working out and eating healthy after 80 (93) days. I am going to keep going and start again... and hopefully convince some people to join me. But, I do feel bad, I could have done better.

THEN, I start thinking about all the good changes I have made. Why am I beating myself up? Why the guilt? Look at all the positive changes that seem so easy and natural now. I look down at my body when I am at the hotel swimming with my child and I am proud at the changes in my physical shape. I actually can't believe it really. I have always worked hard and consistently... I just never really had a plan like Autumn's. I guess I was driving blind, so to speak. This program is amazing and it is a map to success. She has done all the work, you just have to follow the directions. You just have to meal prep and press play. How easy is that? Why didn't I have a map before?

As for my results this month, I still made improvements. I am down 4lbs, and 3.5 inches. That is a total of 9.5 inches and since A Little Obsessed, I am down 13 lbs.

I am still stealing some of Christian's crusts and Jonny isn't totally perfect with his dinners, but he is trying to feed me, and we are all learning more each day about healthy eating and proper portions.

I have noticed on Wednesday mornings, after Cardio Flow, I have plantar fasciitis. I believe this is from all the skipping on the toes and not making my heels go down each time. I found that rolling out my calves really helps this... but doesn't prevent it. I just have strong calves that need to stretch out after all that bouncing.

As for the products, I am loving the Shakeology. I still only have it on school days - mostly because, my son would want to have it at home if he saw me drinking chocolate. At some point I will have to get him the Daily Sunshine. I wasn't going to order the Energize and Recover again - but I really like it. It is a treat and something I look forward to having. Again, I only have it on school days. It is something to look forward to Sunday night. YAY, I get to go to school and drink my unicorn pee! (??) I should have ordered extra bands when I made this last order - I noticed today that Autumn was double bluing. (I won't until my next order - as it costs $25 to ship to Canada - I have a PO in the US but it won't let me order to the US because I am Canadian... anyways.. whatever - just remember to order all at once so you don't have to pay the extra shipping.)

I am proud that I have never missed a work out. One time this month I did two workouts in one day - and they were the hardest ones of the week. (Last week of phase two Legs and AAA - that is when I decided to reorder Recover!)

I am so happy with this program. I feel so much better with my body. I haven't taken pictures yet for the end of this phase - I feel silly putting my bathing suit on and asking Jonny to take my picture for a weight loss thing - but I will get around to it.)

I am stoked for Phase three - Eye of the TIGER!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

80 Day Obsession Phase 1 DONE!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I am taking a break from reading to write and reflect about the first phase of 80 Day Obsession, as I have been reading for a large portion of the day and information is not going in as easy as it was. I have decided to write in sections with different topics as titles, so you can skip to what you are most interested in, if you are pressed for time, as I am. This will also help me when I want to reference back to certain areas.

Important People

My husband

I didn't tell my husband what I had signed up for right away. I was afraid he would make fun of me or say that I didn't need to do this, that what I already do is enough. I am not going to say he hasn't made fun of me, but I am going to say that he has been pretty supportive of my choice. He has mentioned words like cult and questioned who makes an arbitrary amount of eighty days? He has also suggested that I am probably going to gain weight, as I am eating more than I used to. HOWEVER, he has also gone grocery shopping for me, made special dinners for me and scooped portions out for me. I realize that he is sneaking more vegetables in for me and adding sauces that aren't on any list, but I also realize that I need to compromise in order to make this a workable / livable lifestyle change. It isn't realistic for me to think I can go to work all day and have him make me an entirely special meal. I am able to control everything I eat all day and at dinner time, he does an awesome job of succumbing to the cult like needs of my timed nutrition. 


Elulu is one of my first students at Frank Hurt Secondary. Her and her crew, pretty much taught me how things happen at Frank Hurt and high school dance competitions. Again, she is leading me into a new world, one not as scary as high school, but one filled with as much reward for hard work as teaching high school. Since last year, I have watched her journey and thought that I would join her when I had enough time. She has been inspirational, motivational, and empowering to herself and others and I am super stoked to be apart of these real, amazing, supportive humans. What human doesn't need a supportive network? 


Once I wrapped my head around the timed nutrition, I loved it. I decided to eat the same thing everyday except for dinner. This made grocery shopping and meal prep for the week easier. I did not receive the challenge pack right away, so I didn't have the Shakeology, Recover, or Energize. I also did not have the measuring containers. This was good because I now know that I can do it with or without the assistance of these products. I told myself, this is awesome, I don't need that other stuff. However, once I tried the other stuff, I loved it and I look forward to having it. I do not use the supplements everyday. I keep them at school. (Maybe to prevent being made fun of at home?) I don't use the Recover and Energize everyday, because I don't plan on buying it all the time, but I do look forward to the days when I get the extra treats. 

I did not feel hungry or have cravings the first three weeks except for right before I fell asleep because that is three hours after my last meal. The third week, when we started working even harder, I started to feel more hungry. I am hungry now too - but maybe that is because I danced more today and used up more fuel. I am in the first week of phase two now and I am really craving Dr. Pepper and chips... and my gas tank is empty... which means... I have to stop at the gas station where the chips and pop are and I really want them! 


I love music but for the first week I did not use music with my warm-ups. I just listened to Autumn and let her coach me through the movements with the proper technique. I added music after that first week, while still keeping her voice audible. That was more fun for sure. 

I love having different workouts everyday and I love the progression of the workouts. They are really amazing. I find the workouts to be a good level for me, they are just the right amount of challenging and right when I get something, I know Autumn will make it more challenging. 

I am thankful for the Frank Hurt dance studio. I am blessed to get to work here and do my workouts in the studio. On the weekends, I work out in our condo's gym or in my condo, depending on what the boys are doing. (sleeping?) 

I also do hot yoga three times a week and try to dance at Harbour once a week. 


Ok, I am not perfect. I have done pretty good, but I have done some cheating. During that third week, when I started to be more hungry, Christian's crusts and leftovers started looking really good. I am the dish cleaner, so they were just there, why waste food? So, ya, I ate a few kid leftovers. I am going to try and be more vigilant about that during phase two. I also screwed up my containers a couple of times when trying to figure out what to eat when Jonny orders sushi. I ate a yam roll on brown rice thinking yam was a vegetable but then realized that is two yellows. (and deep fried.) Now, I have cucumber roll or tomago. Compromise - our family loves their sushi! 


I did my measurements Sunday before phase two started. I wasn't feeling that good on Sunday. I was a little bloaty. But, it said that I was down two pounds and six inches. I weighed myself again this morning because I felt skinny and I am down to 153. That means, I have lost ten pounds since I started with A Little Obsessed five weeks ago. That is pretty awesome. I am happy and proud and I am looking forward to making this part of my life forever. I love the people, I love the workouts, and I love the timed nutrition. But, don't get me wrong, I am also going to live and enjoy once in a while because that is ok. Obsessed but not a cult. hahaha! 

Final Thoughts 

I am already thinking about what program I will try after this one is over. Will I do another round of 80 Day Obsession or try something new that I haven't tried yet?  Now, back to my reading for school.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Reflecting on A Little Obsessed

This week I tried A Little Obsessed in preparation for 80 Day Obsession. The planning part was the most difficult. I did that the week before. After reading the materials provided, I had to rethink my school days. I started by making a schedule or a daily plan. The next step was to go through the list of foods and figure out what I liked to eat and how to combine them. I made all meals exactly the same for the five days to make meal planning easy. I figure, as I get better at this, I will have more variety and choices. I can freeze a meal or two each meal prep and eventually have a plethora of choices in stock.

Next, I had to figure out my workout block. I was not planning on working out the same time each day. I go to hot yoga Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6am before work. This is a necessity for me as a 43 year old high school dance teacher. Tuesdays and Thursdays I can work out in the morning. I can have my pre-workout meal as a I drive to school and do the workout in the studio before classes start. My spare is in block B, which rotates, so Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I can use my spare block. This worked well for the half hour workouts. Fortunately for me, I have one week left of this semester and in semester two I have two spares because I teach two x blocks after school. (I have four dance teams.) So, I will easily be able to fit in my hour workout and still have time to do my work for school, and start on some of my homework for university. (And then have time to be a mom when I come home! Thank-you again to my husband for supporting my dreams and staying home with our son and making him a good little man.)

The Workouts were inspirational and motivational. I did not play music with them - but I plan to. That will pump me up more. I enjoyed listening to Autumn's breathy voice as she powerfully worked through each exercise and continued to give guidance. I was glad when she told us she had an earpiece and someone counting for her - because I was really thinking she was a super human being able to talk and keep count. (A skill that I have never accomplished - unless with help of music and a totally embedded warm-up.)

I did not receive my challenge pack yet. I am Canadian... maybe it takes longer to get here? So, I improvised. I also only had 3 lb weights (60 of them!) So, I held many little weights and used a Cando band (Theraband) tied in a knot. I used my socks and sometimes a towel as sliders. It will be harder when I have the heavier weights and stronger resistance bands. I also wore socks a lot instead of shoes - but I will bring my sneakers for the cardio days. That will be easier on my legs and feet. Nonetheless, this practice for the 80 Day Obsession was a gratifying rehearsal. I learned that I could plan my meals and not be hungry. I was eating more often than usual but healthier things. Something, I knew I should always do, but never made the time to do.

I am trying not to get obsessed with the scale. I did sneak it out on Thursday morning and Friday morning... and I went from 164 to 156! I might have to take the batteries out of the scale and hide them both in different places to deter myself from over looking. However, I am glad that I looked again because it gave me some concrete evidence that this is really going to work. It also made me wonder if I should be on the maintenance plan because of the extra yoga and dance classes that I do and teach. This is something that I will keep and eye on. If I am feeling hangry, I will bump up to the other meal plan and see how that goes. I mean eight pounds is a lot for four days.

Needless to say, on the way home from school on Friday I needed to get gas. This will be my area of weakness, this is where I have allowed myself to get my chips and Dr. Pepper once a week. AND, you KNOW I got them Friday after school on the way home... in full knowledge that this will be the last Friday for 80 Days that I get to enjoy my snack while listening to the radio in my car without interruption, just me, the road, and my treat! Time to invent some new driving treat. Apples and cheese is good too!!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday 1 - 2 YHot - Sandra w/ Jaqueline

I met one of my alumni dancers, Jaqui, for a YHot class today. It was so nice to practice with her. She has a beautiful practice and very strong. We took a nice sweaty picture after class. I am going to get her to come back to Harbour with me next.

Here are some things I liked the YHot series: the balancing, the longer triangle series, the super quad stretch, the hip flexor stretch.

I stepped on the scale! Updated Meal Plan for A Little Obsessed

I bought a scale. Yes, I am the person who swears by not having a scale. I have probably told you weighing yourself is stupid. When I was an anorexic ballerina, I would obsess over the numbers. When that part of my life ended, so did weighing myself. All I wanted was to be able to eat like a normal person without caring.

Well, I am happy to say, I have achieved that. I can drive into the gas station on the way home from school and shamelessly purchase chips and Dr. Pepper - but not everyday - but when I get gas or if it has been a tough day at work - I reward myself with this guilty pleasure. I can buy ice cream without caring what the person at the register thinks of me. (They probably aren't thinking about me - they are counting the hours till they are off or until their next break.)

For A Little Obsessed, I need my starting weight to figure out the meal plan. I didn't have a scale. I ordered one from Amazon when I ordered my meal prep containers. I got it. It didn't have batteries. I bought batteries. I put them in this morning. I stepped on the scale....

Now, before I tell you what it said, I am not upset about the number. Why? I planned my meals already without the scale. I estimated my weight more than what I thought it would be. I guessed I am probably 180 lbs. That way, I wouldn't be disappointed - because there was no way I could be more than that. I am tall. I am muscular. I will weigh more. When I was anorexic I was 109. When I was in high school I was 135. I am 43 and I have had a child and even though I work out a lot and consistently, I eat what I want when I want. So.... here it is: (excuse the ugly naked dancer toes!) 

Now that I know my real weight, I had to adjust my plan for this week. Oh wait! My challenge pack has not arrived either - so I don't have the containers to measure the amounts of each food and I don't have the Shakeology.

OK: I took out one purple, one yellow, and changed the Shakeology meal. Now, I just have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I don't think I will have to do a lot of prepping. It is pretty simple food for this first try.

Updated meal plan:

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday 10 - 11:30 Ballet - Delina

I couldn't remember who Delina was. I was so excited for today to do PBT and ballet with Beverly - but PBT was cancelled and Beverly was no longer on the schedule. I was going to go to yoga because I couldn't remember who Delina was, but then I thought, I can always go to yoga and I don't usually get to go to ballet - go to ballet. I went. I love DELINA. I remember her now. She is an awesome teacher. She is very clear with her explanations of the exercises. She gives progressions when you do exercises twice. She gives good feedback and corrections and her timing for class is awesome - we got a lot done in an hour and a half. I will definitely be going back to her classes.

And she is CUTE as a button! (Not that that matters!)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thursday 10 - 11:30 Contemporary - Emmalina

One word: MODIFY
Why did I take a contemporary class with a healing right shoulder? There were a lot of should rolls today. I did the first few but then realized... something wasn't right... so, I decided to modify all things right shoulder. Not as much fun for me - but I have to keep healing so I am ready for my 80 Day Obsession.

Love Emmalin and the blonde human who knew what she was doing! 

Thursday 7:45 - 8:45 - OHHY - Robyn

I love having Robyn as a teacher. I always get a tidbit of information that makes me better. Today, she lengthened my neck in standing separate leg. It is odd how you can think your spine is neutral but you are just used to how you usually hold your head. So, I will remember this pointer and add it to my Robyn collection along with use your inner thighs not your toes. Don't clench your toes!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wednesday 10 - 11:30 Ballet - WenWei

I had a nightmare last night and couldn't get back to sleep - so I skipped 6am yoga. Whatever - it is the holidays!

Ballet with WenWei was flowing like water. Constant reminders to people in class to ground and relax the shoulders, long neck, loose but strong. It reminded me of this summer when I took his Qi Gong class at Way out West.

I do have one complaint, I am not sure if it was my brain shutting off or him speeding up to fit in the last few exercises, but I did not get the second petit allegro. He was marking it and not saying the steps... and I just couldn't figure out what he was doing. The first one and the grande allegro - no problem... just that second one... tripped me up. There is nothing like grand allegro - I wish we had more time to do more of them. It feels so free.

AND, I am still the goofy smiling person enjoying class. There was one other smiler today, Ralph. Why so serious ballet dancers? Enjoy the movement, the struggles and the successes.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Prepping for A Little Obsessed Jan. 8 - 12

I have been hesitant to focus on my food intake since I had eating problems as a young dancer. I have not had a scale or looked at my weight when I was pregnant. I just ignored it and was happy being able to eat food and eat what I want, when I want. I was a picky eater until I was 30. I made a change and tried new things and realized that most of them are good. However, I now think I can focus on healthier eating without going too crazy. (A little obsessed?) The food part of this challenge will be the hardest part for me. I have been watching meal prep videos, I ordered containers and a scale, and I have planned my food. I am keeping it simple. I am going to try just eating the same thing for five days. (That doesn't bother me - I actually prefer this for some reason.) THEN, I will take the weekend off and meal prep for my first week of the 80 Day Obsession. 

Here is my plan: 

Tuesday 12 - 1:30 Contemporary Jazz - Julio

The silence continues! After silent yoga class - I forgot my hearing aides when I went to dance. I also forgot them the last Sunday when I went to ballet. So, I stared akwardly, watched for cues, and asked people questions.

We started laying on the floor, breathing, engaging different parts of our cores.

Warm-up - Black and Gold still in rotation.

ATF: Improv with verbs. Let's see if I can remember the list we did: bounce, spiral, rebound, stab, ooze, shoot. I liked shoot - I ran straight across the floor like a bullet.

Choreo: I didn't know the song. Boom... da da... rhythm. A lot of floor... almost all floor actually. I needed more space - I was standing in my usual spot (I know... I should move around - but I couldn't hear... and it is close to the music and the teacher.) - the choreo travels right - so I had to either dance into the wall or move. I moved. It was still too squishy to do all together. I was holding on and grasping for group time - we got it... and that was way better. I almost got it in time with the music. Down, back up, down, back up, cabriole facing tummy to the ground to end... more like a temps leve.... THEN, he said - everyone one last time... so I joined everyone.. and BAM! A tall human smoked me in the jaw with her foot. She said sorry - but I totally understand - tall human problems. She took me out though. I tried to keep going.. but was too disorientated. Dance is dangerous.

It was a definite knee pad day. Love those Capezio gel knee pads!

Tuesday 7:45 - 8:45am One Hour Hot Yoga - Dan / Silent class

I haven't taken the silent class in a while. I slept right till 7:30. (How am I going to get up at 5:45 tomorrow?) Usually, I count during the silent class, but this time, I tried to focus on the breathing. I probably ended up counting my breaths... in 8's. But, it was a start. I couldn't let my minder wander as much, because I had to focus on when the change was. There was a human close to me who kept changing early, so I had to watch that, that didn't trigger my own change.

My right shoulder / pec was sore today. I guess it was too early to add in the bow. I reined in back in today. My right hammy was also mad at me, so I chilled on that too.

Looking forward to contemporary at noon - hoping there are no moves that will hurt me or that are easily modified.

I left the class feeling very calm.

I was also thinking in yoga, (yoga thoughts), I may not post as I used to. I may post once a week or once a month when I get busy with teaching and school again. I won't feel pressure to just post because I have to - it is ok to catch up later - and just write about classes when I have time or something important came up. I am happy that I am back writing though. I missed this. All those thoughts in my head, I now have a place to put them again. (My husband will thank me... no more after yoga crazy ideas for him.) 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Monday 9:30 - 10:30 One Hour Hot Yoga - Keiko

My favourite yoga family! 

I am back! I have decided to start posting again for 2018. I may not have time to post a lot each time - but I am determined to get back at it.

This morning I took the first yoga class of 2018. Keiko was greeting people at the door. She gave me a hug and her son gave me a hug. He is so tiny and cute. When class was over, I saw him at the door looking for mommy to come out.

Class was good. I noticed my right hamstring was sore. I had been doing the splits after class the last few days - so I gave it a rest today. There was a woman from ballet in class. I didn't know she did yoga. She had a beautiful class. She was doing the splits with a block under her heel as I left. I felt jealous... but heal then move forward.

I like Keiko's classes because she is always smiling. I like to smile back at her but then sometimes I notice other people not smiling and very focused. How can you not smile back? She is so sweet? I got to be me though - geeky smile and nerdy try hard.

I was injured in Cross Fit on November 6th. I injured my right shoulder / pec. It was so bad I couldn't sleep. I had to use (and still use) pillows to support my shoulder because it would hang when I slept. I had to modify postures that reached to the back like bow and some that reached forward like half tortoise. Each week I try the postures again to see if there is pain, and if not, I hold them for a little bit. Today, I did one standing bow and one bow pose. It seems my shoulder is getting better.

I have also been adding the splits in after class as I have not had to rush off to teach. However, my right hamstring is now feeling sore and over stretched. (from ballet or stretching after class?) So, I will add that injury to my calendar and lay off the extra stretching until it feels better.

November 2015 - December 2017

I may have stopped posting - but I didn't stop doing! I should have posted the calendars with the injuries in them. I might go back and do that if I have time. That is another reason I like the blog - to see and remember what ailments I have had, what caused them, what I did to help them or how I modified.