Well, I am happy to say, I have achieved that. I can drive into the gas station on the way home from school and shamelessly purchase chips and Dr. Pepper - but not everyday - but when I get gas or if it has been a tough day at work - I reward myself with this guilty pleasure. I can buy ice cream without caring what the person at the register thinks of me. (They probably aren't thinking about me - they are counting the hours till they are off or until their next break.)

Now, before I tell you what it said, I am not upset about the number. Why? I planned my meals already without the scale. I estimated my weight more than what I thought it would be. I guessed I am probably 180 lbs. That way, I wouldn't be disappointed - because there was no way I could be more than that. I am tall. I am muscular. I will weigh more. When I was anorexic I was 109. When I was in high school I was 135. I am 43 and I have had a child and even though I work out a lot and consistently, I eat what I want when I want. So.... here it is: (excuse the ugly naked dancer toes!)

Now that I know my real weight, I had to adjust my plan for this week. Oh wait! My challenge pack has not arrived either - so I don't have the containers to measure the amounts of each food and I don't have the Shakeology.
OK: I took out one purple, one yellow, and changed the Shakeology meal. Now, I just have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I don't think I will have to do a lot of prepping. It is pretty simple food for this first try.
Updated meal plan:

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