The guy who stood behind me today - was sleeping on the couch before class started - weird. Anywho - I had a good class even though I woke up in the middle of the night sick. I knew it was coming.. I could feel it. For a short second, while getting ready for yoga this morning, I thought - I am sick .. don't go! Call in sick to school. Then, I thought - no.. you said you were going to go every morning this week and it will clear your chest for school and you will be fine! And here I am at school - it is lunch time and I am glad I am here because I have a lot of work this week. (Not like April - but still beginning of the month marking of binders and finishing all the classes dances so they can start their next unit!)
I thought of something in yoga yesterday that I forgot to write: I think that being hard of hearing is making me smarter and wittier. Why? Smarter because I constantly have to focus and guess what I think people are saying for the context. Wittier because the things that I come up with while arriving at the correct interpretation are funny- especially when you share them with someone else. I go to the ear doctor tomorrow - I could lose all this educational fun soon!!!
I am starting to know what comes next in the yoga class. I like Danny's class - he is quick Danny style. He didn't add a special stretch at the end. Oh well. My goal for this Friday is to write down in the blog the order of the exercises - scribe it out!
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