That girl I met on the street the other day was in class this morning - I got her name this time - Shannon. There was another girl there too - that is always there... I don't know her name - but we are going to take the 8am hot tomorrow. She is nice. I will learn her name tomorrow :) We are scared to do the full hot because we have been doing these one hour hots all the time. I am going to bring a Gatorade treat!! That will make me happy:)
Camille was in class today (owner). She came in late and she looks like she has not taken class in a long time. I can't believe she did all that intensive Bikram training. Maybe she has an injury? It was funny - at one point - Shannon, that other girl, Camille and I were all facing the wrong way... hehehe! We had to make a quick change! Bonding moments in mistakes. ON that note.. I have to stop sticking my tongue out when I make mistakes. I did it a lot in the Saturday flow. I did it today once too. Karlie (student) started that.. it must end!
My hip stretch near the end - I didn't get the block and I have my but almost on the ground with my leg square at the front. YEAH! I was looking around at other people in the class - as I am the only one sitting straight up - and their legs are not square how they are supposed to be.. so I am happy that I am working on the correct technique - once I get it I will be able to chest down.. and I will be doing it right.
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