Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tues. Aug. 6, 2019: GMB Day 2: Skill Combination

I had a few days off when Biggy and I went and met G and J up at the shabin. I noticed there that my back had stopped hurting. Was it the awesome stretches from the active recovery day? I am not sure but I am going to keep going with this program. It is the thing for me for sure.

Maybe I like the way this program is laid out because it falls in line with the way that I teach my dance classes. I introduce movements, teach some combos, and allow time for exploration and play. 

I really enjoy the prepare section - my old back really needs that stretching in the morning. I felt great and ready to play because of the proper preparation. 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thursday, August 1, 2019: GMB Trial

My right hip flexor was hurting and then it moved to my right lower back spot. I thought I would try something new. I got this free trial for five days of GMB Fitness. I wasn't going to start till after camping - but hopefully it will last until I resume upon our return. I thought it would be good to try and add some of these moves into my class warm-up this year. I also read good reviews about it being a good workout to prevent injuries and since I am always moving from one injury to another... well, you know, I thought this might be a good new one for me.

Today's workout was fairly easy for me. I did the Banzai Frogger and the Bear Twists. The workout took 29 minutes. I like how it is laid out. I used my watch to time the 30 and 60 second sets.