Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday 8-9:30 Hot Yoges- Teacher name unknown

I have a lot to write today. I thought too much. Let's see if I can remember a chunk of those thoughts.

First off, I don't know this teacher and I didn't hear her name if she said it. My first thoughts were: speak up, don't speak so monotonously... I don't understand when to change and I can't hear what you are saying.  This was my first time having this teacher though I know it takes time to get used to teaching styles and towards the middle of the class I had adjusted. It would have been nice to have a dynamic voice.

She did press me down in the half tortoise. I thanked her. I like having attention and corrections.

During the rabbit pose my left ankle had a sharp pain on the inside when I sat on my knees. I stopped and massaged it and decided I would attempt the second set. The teacher came over to check if I was ok. That made me like her more. I tried the second set but it didn't work so I did it sitting on my bum with my feet together and rolling my upper body forward.

I thought about school and having a Ms. J's top ten list. I will make this a project for my classes and choose the best designs to be laminated on the wall. This may be the project that I use the Ipads for.. or it may not be. I also thought, I want to have three top teacher goals for me. I haven't quite decided what they are... let's see:
1. I want to give more corrections to more people.
2. I want to try not to get frustrated and stressed and when I do I want to try not to mumble things under my breath that make me feel better but that if heard, might hurt someone's feelings.
3. I am going to try not to roll my eyes.

WHOA.. those are kinda funny.. but will be really hard!

I also thought.. for the kids' journals they have been doing fitness logs and this year I am going to change those in a few ways:
1. Weekly instead of monthly
2. Weekly goals that are focussed: cardio, strengthening, stretching, balance, nutrition
3. One week they set their own goals and the second week they set goals for a friend.
It might be better to make this every two weeks... hmmm.. still planning this out in my head. The order of the focussed goals is the same order and parts that are in a proper warm-up... reinforcing learning!

OK.. enough for today...

Wait.. I was also thinking about the doctor today and how I was going to word... help me I am fat!! .. in nice English. And then I was thinking... damn.. I do WAY more physical activity than Jonny and we have been consuming the same amount... how come he isn't fat? It has to be something to do with stupid girl hormones and I am two years older. I am going to mention this to the doc but I am going to say that if it doesn't improve in the next two months - hormone levels level out and back to routine - if these things don't fix the problem .. then I am going to come back and he can run some tests and make sure there is nothing else wrong with me. Maybe I have cancer of the belly! (cancer isn't a joke.. that wasn't that funny... sorry)

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