Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday 6 - 7:15 Bikram Cambie - Roxana

I was contemplating not going this morning because of my experience last time. It is hard enough to get up and exercise vigorously as it is. Anywho, I went… and I love Roxana. She is awesome. I told her about the last teacher not liking me leaving and she was like whatever - just let me know at the door. She is so nice. She is an awesome teacher too. That other guy has no flow. 

So, it was a good start but I didn't have an awesome class. I tried hard but I was so hot. I had to miss some postures. 

I have started to figure out having my weight on the whole foot. I can actually feel myself pressing into my big toe now. 

I squished my hands together in the eagle and had a way better balance. 

So - overall a great Friday morning. 

(OH.. and the best part - I got some cheek squishes and kisses from Jonny before I left!) 

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