Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just Walking - with one crutch!

11:30.. (maybe 11:15) - 2:30

Today is my second day walking. I am using one crutch with my good leg. I am walking very slowly. Here is the route that I took today. See if you can visualize it in your mind:

I walked down my alley to the right. I decided I was too slow to J walk so I turned left on Davie street by Steam Rollers (Where G said you can buy La Teresita? hot sauce). I walked across the street with the light and turned right on Homer. I went forward to David Lam park and onto the C wall. I sat on the edge of the wall and looked at a beautiful catamaran and took a little break.

I got up and walked to the left back towards Yaletown. I walked along the edge of the wall and took all the little extra walks closest to the water. I walked past "Same like electric eye." I stopped and had a break on a bench in the shade across from the Marina - before Yaletown. I called mom and talked to Dad about the island but he got angry when he found out mom didn't want to go. ??? She just wanted him to go???

I got up again and walked towards Yaletown thinking about lunch. I got to the edge of Cooper park and decided to cross towards homeish. I got to the side walk and crossed the street and headed back towards the Hurricane Grill. I turned right and crossed the street near the BC Liks and through the park. I got to Mainland street where I decided to get Subway and go back to Cooper Park. I turned right and got Subway then headed back down Nelson and right on... Cambie? and left on Pacific - then right at the cross walk and through one of those cement parkish areas and back to Cooper Park.

I sat and ate my foot long turkey on whole wheat and drank root beer. I was damn thirsty. I went home ... you can figure that out. I am pooped.. but I am going to go for another walk... at around... 6!