Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday 9-9:56 Pregnancy Bikram

Done! I had two little interruptions but I was able to get my focus back. My mind was thinking about not telling Sofia where I was yesterday. Guilt. She was looking for teachers and no one was here. So, I feel bad I didn't send an e-mail saying I was going to the dance lunch. I remembered as I was I driving away. I remember thinking - she could text me if she really needed to. Whatever.

My mind was also comparing ballet and Bikram for a bit. The main similarity being that they warm up and work all the muscles. The main difference being ballet is done turned out in an unnatural body stance and Bikram goes with the natural state of the body. One other similarity is that they both focus on pulling up and standing tall with proper posture.

I also thought how weird it is that my left ankle leg is still a slightly different colour than my right. 

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