Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Run 16 km, 1H 28 Mins

Today is a gorgeous sunny day. Sixteen kilometres is the distance that is scheduled to run. I didn't add on another two kilometres like I have been. I am going to run the long runs on the schedule now. I am still going to run more during the week - eight kilometres this month and then back down to seven next month.

I ran into some wildlife on my run today. Before I did I had imagined my response to running into something wild. I imagined kicking, punching and running away. Then I imagined me trying to do that to a huge bear and decided playing dead might be better.. or just running and screaming!! However, even though I was prepared in my mind for an attack all I ran across were a racoon, a Canadian goose, and a slug. I don't think there is much to worry about in Stanley park. The people in the park are probably more dangerous than the animals.

I ran the same route and distance as last week and in the same time. I love the Smashing Pumpkins part of my run where I am zooming down the hill. (That I worked so hard to run up!!)

K... back to my family!! 

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