Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday 12 - 1:30 BYV West End - Lisa

This is the second time that I took the advanced class. It is quite a challenge but a nice change from the usual. The times go by quickly because I don't know the order of the postures.

It is rainy and cold today which made me want to go to yoges even though I still feel lazy. It is weird how when I have little to no time I am able to cram more stuff into life then when I have tons of free time I tend to do less and have less desire to do things. Weird.

Robyn - Dax's old girlfriend from 15 - 20 years ago was next to me in class today. We had a little chat after class. She has been living in Nelson and has an eight year old.

This may be the last time I go to the west end studio. It and the Kits studio are closing on the 31st. Everyone will be coming to Cambie. I hope that works out. I hope they don't lose too many yogis.

I was just trying to find some pics of some of the new postures we did.. but I couldn't find the first one I was looking for and I have lost interest now. The boy is playing without me!

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