Saturday, January 13, 2018

Reflecting on A Little Obsessed

This week I tried A Little Obsessed in preparation for 80 Day Obsession. The planning part was the most difficult. I did that the week before. After reading the materials provided, I had to rethink my school days. I started by making a schedule or a daily plan. The next step was to go through the list of foods and figure out what I liked to eat and how to combine them. I made all meals exactly the same for the five days to make meal planning easy. I figure, as I get better at this, I will have more variety and choices. I can freeze a meal or two each meal prep and eventually have a plethora of choices in stock.

Next, I had to figure out my workout block. I was not planning on working out the same time each day. I go to hot yoga Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6am before work. This is a necessity for me as a 43 year old high school dance teacher. Tuesdays and Thursdays I can work out in the morning. I can have my pre-workout meal as a I drive to school and do the workout in the studio before classes start. My spare is in block B, which rotates, so Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I can use my spare block. This worked well for the half hour workouts. Fortunately for me, I have one week left of this semester and in semester two I have two spares because I teach two x blocks after school. (I have four dance teams.) So, I will easily be able to fit in my hour workout and still have time to do my work for school, and start on some of my homework for university. (And then have time to be a mom when I come home! Thank-you again to my husband for supporting my dreams and staying home with our son and making him a good little man.)

The Workouts were inspirational and motivational. I did not play music with them - but I plan to. That will pump me up more. I enjoyed listening to Autumn's breathy voice as she powerfully worked through each exercise and continued to give guidance. I was glad when she told us she had an earpiece and someone counting for her - because I was really thinking she was a super human being able to talk and keep count. (A skill that I have never accomplished - unless with help of music and a totally embedded warm-up.)

I did not receive my challenge pack yet. I am Canadian... maybe it takes longer to get here? So, I improvised. I also only had 3 lb weights (60 of them!) So, I held many little weights and used a Cando band (Theraband) tied in a knot. I used my socks and sometimes a towel as sliders. It will be harder when I have the heavier weights and stronger resistance bands. I also wore socks a lot instead of shoes - but I will bring my sneakers for the cardio days. That will be easier on my legs and feet. Nonetheless, this practice for the 80 Day Obsession was a gratifying rehearsal. I learned that I could plan my meals and not be hungry. I was eating more often than usual but healthier things. Something, I knew I should always do, but never made the time to do.

I am trying not to get obsessed with the scale. I did sneak it out on Thursday morning and Friday morning... and I went from 164 to 156! I might have to take the batteries out of the scale and hide them both in different places to deter myself from over looking. However, I am glad that I looked again because it gave me some concrete evidence that this is really going to work. It also made me wonder if I should be on the maintenance plan because of the extra yoga and dance classes that I do and teach. This is something that I will keep and eye on. If I am feeling hangry, I will bump up to the other meal plan and see how that goes. I mean eight pounds is a lot for four days.

Needless to say, on the way home from school on Friday I needed to get gas. This will be my area of weakness, this is where I have allowed myself to get my chips and Dr. Pepper once a week. AND, you KNOW I got them Friday after school on the way home... in full knowledge that this will be the last Friday for 80 Days that I get to enjoy my snack while listening to the radio in my car without interruption, just me, the road, and my treat! Time to invent some new driving treat. Apples and cheese is good too!!

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