Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Run 7 Km, 35:16 Mins

This morning I ran the same seven kilometre route past English Bay and back.

Yesterday when I was walking to dance there was a large group of ESL students blocking the sidewalk in front of their school. This same group of kids was blocking the C wall. I kept running and they had to get out of the way. I then ran past an elderly gentleman who was really giving it and sweating up a storm doing his power walking. I smiled at him because it made me happy that he was out and working it. My halfway signal came on and I turned around bummed that I would have to run through that group of ESL students again. I watched as others had problems getting through. I followed the speed walker's path. A girl broke off from the group behind the man and started mocking his style. She turned around to get approval from her group and I was in her face with a big middle finger. I probably shouldn't have but it just came out of me. How disrespectful!

Other than that, I had an ok run. I was pretty tired this morning. We had another early morning and quite a few wake ups due to Christian's new cough. (We are keeping an eye on it - just a cough... no other signs of sickness yet.) On my return run I really started to run slow. The wind was against me.. but I was just finding it difficult to lift up my feet. I really wanted to stop but then I would have had to walk.. and that would take longer. So I kept on going.

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