Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday 12 - 1:30 Contemporary Jazz - Julio

Wow... that was fast and intense. I love this class. I am scared of this class. This class makes me happy and hurts me all at the same time. It is perf!

WE had an awesome warm-up with tons of stretching and strengthening. My favourite were the retire to penche balance things. I wish my kids were good enough to put those in a warm-up. Maybe I will throw them in one day for fun/ torture.

The choreo was super fast and exact. It was hard to finish all the moves and Julio talked about not getting into the habit of not finishing all the moves.

We did three groups in the end. I was in the third group. The first time I was behind the music and the second I was almost there and the third time felt good. You gotta have three chances. Then we did it all together one more time.

I had an awesome sweaty class. I look forward to Friday :-)

- Don't look in the mirror
- change spots
- turn feet in in parallel
- don't cheat all movements when it is fast

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