Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday 8am Bikram - Laurie - w/ Carrie!

I am so happy that Carrie is back in the city and we are back at yoges together. I just can't think that enough. Carrie saved me a spot again at the back. It was hotter today. Carrie was feeling nauseas but I didn't know this till the end of class. She didn't look sick.

I sat out for the second half of triangle again. My inner thighs are really tight. I noticed this significantly in jazz yesterday when we were stretching. I have totally lost my middle split. I know it will come back. I guess I just didn't do that stretch for ten months. Oh well it will come back.

My upper back is tight in rabbit but it always is in the morning. I got into it but it was really pulling. It felt good/bad to stretch it out. I am looking forward to an afternoon class when it isn't so tight.

Hmm... what else? Oh - the teacher was talking to me and I didn't realize so I pointed to my ears and then she made weird exaggerated and loud def person speak to me. hahaha! That was funny. I can hear you, I was just ignoring you because I am not trying super hard today.. cause I am recovering. I am doing my own thing for a bit and listening to my body. I didn't get a chance to tell this teacher at the start that I was recovering... because I didn't see her. Probably frustrating for her but I don't care - I know what I am doing. I am doing mama recovery yoges.

I didn't do any of the sit ups. I rolled over like a person with a back injury. And, when I laid down on my back I always used my elbows to support me and ease my way down. I have a very weak core right now... but that won't last forever.

Tomorrow - I dance again! 

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