Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday 6 -7:30am Bikram Cambie - Sunshine

I am on strike today. I got to do the whole Bikram class. I had a good class. The heat was hot when I walked in and then cooled down till tree when it warmed up a lot again. I think that is my favourite heat fluctuation scenario.

I didn't do the triangle on the left hip but I did the lunge.

I am still really sore from dance on Monday night. I gotta do that more.

I thought about school a lot. I have a plan for next year based on permission forms and behaviour and basically being organized. Teams that get their permission forms in on time and music edits will be rewarded with field trips and extra competitions. Those that don't try don't get my extra time. Done. I will explain this early and keep good track of everything and soon they will learn about time management and responsibility and maybe even respect!

I thought about Auntie Mary. I wondered if I could be a part time quilter and start this summer before we go away and when we come back.

I thought about the family in Kelowna.

And then, the class was over. It went pretty fast today. I zoned out in my thought a lot because she wasn't wearing the mic and I couldn't hear all her words.

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