Sunday, June 14, 2009

8am Hot - Heather - Dunn dunn dunn dunn dunn.. I dunn it all!

I woke up - and I was stiff in my left knee from my long run yesterday - so I decided to skip the run and go to a hot yoga. I woke up at 7:30 and class is at 8.. so why not?

I focused on my pelvic alignment all class. I realized the last class I took that my back doesn't hurt in the back bend if I tuck my pelvis under and go up before I go back. Pelvic alignment has always been a ballet problem of mine. I found focusing on one goal instead of 3 or 4 in the class a lot easier. AND the goals that I usually focus on were not neglected - they are kinda there naturally.

I thought about my "new idea" a lot too. HEHEH!! This is going to be good.

I also thought about Bali a lot. Maybe I won't get a yoga pass there. Maybe I will just run and surf? I am doing enough yoga now to last me two months!! It will be nice to take a break?? I can always just drop in and pay for each class I take. Or - I can buy ten classes and .. if I don't use them.. oh well. But..I won't get 20 like my first plan.. but 10 - that is not that many.. 1 class a week.. and a couple of weeks with 2 classes.. that is good! Anywho..I will keep thinking about it .. and decide later!!!

I just watched this... my favourite SYTYCD from last week:

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