Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday 10:05 - 10:37 and 4:02 - 4:39 Skate E Spot (1H10)

Today was way better than yesterday. I had a good morning session and a good afternoon session. Tomorrow should be even better.

During our morning session there was an old Asian grandma standing by the walkway for a while staring out over the Cirque du Soleil tent. Then she went and laid down on the cement box that Jonny was board sliding. So weird. Why would you want to lay down and soak up some sun with us - in our section. There are sunny cement blocks all around the building. She staid about ten minutes with her sun bonnet covering her face and then she got up and continued her morning jaunt. I wonder what she was thinking about?

We went to Taco Time for Taco Tuesday before our second session. Jonny did a really nice nose slide - that actually slid and his fakie 180's are looking big. He looks comfortable going normal and fakie on his board. Maybe one day I will have that confidence. I was able to make myself do 180's over the crack in the cement today. It was all a mind trick. It was easy.

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