Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday 6am Hot Yoges - Patricia

Well - I did it. I had a long day yesterday and I didn't get to bed till about 10. I crashed right away. I woke up at 2:30am and then again with the alarm at 5:45. I almost rolled back over when I remembered I had new hair. YAY! I gotta try this out at yoga :) I got up and away I went.

It fit back into a high, half pulled through pony just like usual. It feels so much healthier. Now, let's get this yoga class over with so I can try washing it. YUP.. here I am at school now.. wash and go.. and SO NICE! Good work Tammi!

As for yoga - we did side planks, the hips up one.. not wheel.. but that was an option - thread the needle and pigeon.

I guess what I was thinking about most was how Patricia makes us hold things so much longer than Angela. I like the was she talks in breath. For example: We are going to hold this for six breaths.

I thought.. I should bring my mom to yoga. I be Patricia could fix her!

I thought.. my lower back is tight and I want to stay in this standing bow on the left side and go into warrior three.. but I did.. but then I didn't make it to airplane! I crashed!!

There is the bell!! Three more days with kids after today... also .. three more 6ams to complete my goal for the week :)

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