Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday 6am Yoges - Danny

No show for Stacee this morning.

Walking down to yoga I merged with the little Asian woman again. Man... I need to learn names. There was also another yogi behind her. Three neighbours going to 6am yoges. So nice! We were talking about the stop light by 711 that they have installed but have yet to turn on. I said I would probably ignore the light anyways... I would try to cross diagonal I would! (sorry mom!)

My left hip flexor is still ailing me. I meant to ask Patricia about that yesterday. I will ask her next week when I am more mature. hahaha!! wooo hooo!! It hurts when I bend it towards me - or stretch it away from me. So, the second side bend, warrior two, and on the floor when you hug it into your chest. I can feel it good on the stretch we do at school too... when it is the front leg bent and the right leg is extended straight at the back. Again - that is like a parallel warrior two.

I am weaker on my right side.... but left supporting leg - I want to hold the toe one the whole time tomorrow.. and the bow to warrior three. That is my goal for Friday yoga. My reward will be SUSHI with POPS!! YAY!!

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